I hate it when someone who was previously “suicidal” says that suicide is selfish. Because, if you’ve ever been in that mindset, then you know that it isn’t selfish. You can’t just forget wanting to end your life. It’s preserved forever in your mind. No, you don’t just forget that feeling. And why would anyone say that anyway? Why would you ever insult someone who is at this point? You would never tell someone with cancer anything like that. Why is there so much negative stigma surrounding this?
Some people believe that, because there are suicides that can affect family and friends, that suicide is selfish. There are cases in which people who were previously suicidal realize, after the fact, just how many people IN THEIR SPECIFIC CASE that it could have affected.
With all that said, being selfish is often the least of someone’s problems when they’re in the midst of pondering life… and pondering, more specifically, the end of life. It’s not selfish. Can it affect others? It sure can… in SOME cases. The best case scenario would be for the person who is experiencing suicidal thoughts to seek assistance and figure out how to move forward.
Life isn’t that easy. There is no Disney magic when it comes to hitting a brick wall and feeling like there are no options. If someone tells you it’s selfish, that’s fine. It’s their OPINION. But it’s no more and no less than that. People can think however they want. It’s how you think that is the most important here.
This question has been asked a TON here. You can search it in the posts. Most recent one http : // suicideproject dot org/2014/03/suicide-is-selfish-3/
Making someone live is selfish.
Me, I’ve spent my whole life living for other people. All I ask is for one decision for myself.