I don’t even know what to to anymore. I feel so alone and I have no one to talk to, so I guess that’s why I’m here. I’m 16 and I’ve been struggling with depression since my stepfather (he was like my dad) walked out on me when I was 11. My mom left him and I saw him for a little while after that, but eventually he told me he didn’t want to see me anymore because he had a girlfriend with a kid and wanted to start over. my biological dad isn’t around, and has never made any attempt to contact me. I feel like part of me is missing. I try to fill the void by talking to guys and doing drugs but it never works. Â I tried to kill myself last July with my grandmas dilaudid and Valium but it didn’t fucking work. I don’t know what to do. I’m so scared and lost and sad and I have no one . I lost all my friends because I’m a miserable mess. I want to die but I could never do that to my mom. I just couldn’t. please help me. I don’t know what to do.
I’m assuming your name is Allie?
Hi there, thanks for posting. Okay. 11-12 was a hard time of my life as well. I lost my father as well, as in he was murdered. But I understand how you must feel in not seeing your biological father. I’m sorry to hear your ‘dad’ walked out on you. Whatever his reasons, he owed it both to you and your mother to at least stay in touch. No matter, you need to move on without him. I’m glad your attempt failed however, otherwise you wouldn’t have come here and seeked out help at all 🙂
Your mother is blessed to have a daughter in you. However she may be tethering you to this world, you owe it to her to soldier on and see if you can improve your situation. Only time will tell, plus a healthy dose of optimism and tenacity. I’m here to talk with you if you’d like, I fear I haven’t much else in the way of words to help you out.
thank you so much. it really means a lot.