My Invisible Family. My Fallen Foes
Crammed into a room with no corners, no ceiling, no floor.
There was nothing but us, scared, blind and ready for war.
It was the last time I saw Shannon, my long lost twin sister.
She was sexy and sensitive and smart,
but I was swifter.
The last time I saw Josh, my long lost twin brother.
He was brave and bright and brought joy to all,
but I was tougher.
I am the hero knight sperm who rescued my imprisoned princess egg but I am also said damsel in distress who waited restlessly for rescue. I fought against my own blood, I am a traitor and they were my sacrifice. I am alive and they aren’t even dead, they never even were. I like to think I earned my right to live however I am not strong or clever or cunning, I’m lucky. I’m really fucking lucky. And yet, that was only the final sprint in the thousand year long marathon of ancestral survival and mating.
They are all inside of me, and they are disappointed for I am ungrateful. I have food, fresh-flowing water, a heated home and a good education. And I am ungrateful. How can I be ungrateful? No, no this isn’t what they fought for, life is too easy now. I’m living but I am not alive, this wasn’t their goal. This wasn’t their intention.
A mixture of thoughts and ideas here. What say you?
What say I? I say that that was brilliantly, BRILLIANTLY written. Please, may I have some more.
You are incredible and definitely too kind to be human, thank you. I truly wish there was a better way to translate what your response means to me. Thank you will have to do. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank me? Oh no. God, no. Thank you for writing that. It was amazing and heartfelt and so simply awesome. I’ve read thousands of books but I’m at a loss for how to describe this.
Just came across this by accident…damn this is amazing. So beautiful and … don’t have the word … touching? real? raw? I don’t know. But thank you for writing it.