So I finally did it… I finally somehow gathered the courage after almost 10 yrs of torture to make a dr appointment and attempt to somehow see if I’m “fixable”… I’m so afraid. I’m not sure if I have the courage to keep the appointment. My brain keeps spinning telling me thinks like “you’re not worth the help.” “You’re too far gone for anyone to save you” “you don’t deserve to be fixed” .. Then it’s like “maybe you should just say fuck it and try” so I think well maybe I should.. Then I think well maybe if I just answer their questions to a certain extent and not fully then maybe I can’t just see what they say?.. Then my brain says “No! They only get paid to listen they are really laughing in their heads at everything you say..” Then I get nervous and I’m not even there! I get all squirmy and can’t sit still and I feel like I have plastic wrap around my whole head and I’m suffocating!! I’m so afraid!! Please any advice would be much appreciated I don’t know where to go or what to do at all.. Thanks and sorry 🙁
Sounds like you could benefit from CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). It basically focuses on replacing negative thoughts with positive ones or at least neutral ones and doing so repeatedly until your mind starts doing it automatically. It helped me at some point.
I’ve been to 7 different psychiatrists, therapists and psychologists. I’ll tell you something that helps, write out the major areas of what’s bothering you on a piece of paper, and then talk it out with your doctor. Two years ago when i was going regularly to a shrink i insisted on sitting across the room and taking my shoes off, and sitting in the lotus position on the couch since it was the only way I could sit still without being uncomfortable. Don’t be afraid. I wish you luck.
I’m so afraid I’m not even there and I feel like I can’t breathe I feel like they’re just gonna laugh at me.. I know my main issues.. Like I have flashbacks.. I’ve had them for years but lately they’ve just taken a turn and I’ve actually lashed out on friends because I didn’t know it was them I thought they were the person in my flashbacks… I’m so afraid 🙁 I don’t want to be locked up in a hospital alone I already feel alone as is
According to the law they can’t lock you up against your will. The only way they can do that is if you actively threaten to commit suicide or if you are causing harm to others and being violent. This is what my therapist told me. So you can tell them whatever you want. They’re not gonna laugh at you especially if they’re being paid to listen. There are medications out there that can actually help you. They have helped me when I had severe psychosis. You will definitely not be locked up, i know the fear – it is my worst nightmare but I have told my doctors everything even how I talked to voices and had hallucinations – and they prescribed me medication and psychotherapy. If you do it regularly it will help you. Don’t be nervous, maybe you have anxiety as well, they can help with that.
That’s another fear.. I read all these posts on here about how many time ppl had to change meds. What if they do prescribe meds? What if they make things 10x worse?! What if they change who I am as a person?! What if they make me lose the last few ppl I somewhat still have?! 🙁
I seriously have no room to talk because everytime I have tried to make appointments and go, I get the same exact anxiety. I tell myself the very same things. I’m just kind of glad I am not alone in those thoughts. I do hope you go, and everything goes well with as little anxiety as possible. And do tell them everything. Let us know how it goes, I’m just as curious!
Hey Darkestraven, it’s comforting to know someone has the same anxieties I have about seeing a therapist, psychiatrist, etc. I had made a couple of appointments in the past but chickened out. Unfortunately now it’s more that I can’t afford it. I need to eat and pay bills. If you do go, please keep us updated on how it goes 🙂
Even if I don’t like my doctor, I still found it comforting to know someone was in it with me. Didn’t feel so alone anymore