All my life it as always been like “Yarah why won’t you be kind” “why are you not respectful” “Yarah why aren’t you doing shit in your life” And its annoying because, i’m always helping everybody, whenever someone need something i’m there, and respect is an important thing to me i will always respect everybody, anyone and yes i’m always doing things from right to left i’m always trying to make things better and fuck just no nobody sees they’re always here to judge but won’t even see the things that i do and now i’m just sooo done, why give when you don’t receive, i don’t mean it in a way that if you don’t give me love i wont love, but the thing is, i care so much about people, i’m so kind to them i tried my hardest be really good towards them for what nothing absolutely N-O-T-H-I-N-G, nothing really, nobody his nice, nobody as respect for me, nobody cares about me, nobody so should i stop should i change… this selfish??
1 comment
I can really relate to your post cant.fixme. I have no idea what the answer is, when you find out let me know but one thing I have now instigated is withdrawal of support to anyone unless they can prove to me they’re not going to trash me.