There’s something inside of me, I’m considered a dead man. I’m alive now, but i’ll try, again and again, and again. Because I can not stop. I’ve been completely consumed by this. I hate, everything. I’ve learned to hate myself, and now I can’t take that back. I ruined my life, numerous times, and I’ll continue to do so. It’s as if I no longer control my body. I’ll try again. Till I am no more. Considering that, I’m already dead. It hasn’t happened yet, and it’ll happen again.
1 comment
I am the same way man, when I started smoking weed at age 18.. i destroyed my life for 12 years.. self sabotaging in every aspect of my life. It was all my fault.. bad descions over and over.. and now I’m soo sicky and screwed myself so bad I want to kill myself.. i was bless ed with every opportunity known to man.. and destroyed everything with out ever being happy.. and I’m 31 now.. with no sign of hope cause my mind is a snake.. the devil has always had me in his grasp tricking me into bad choices when the right answer was always there.. I’m so tired and want to jus end everything and face hell now.. cause that’s where I am going… i 7 net stand your situation too man..
What is your guilt?