Why cant i go a day without thinking of killing myself? Its like a constant struggle to continue to live in this world. Everything is just so meaningless to me now. Is there even a real point to continue living and moving forward or are we just fooling oursleves when we say “it will get better”.
When i use to try and ask for help to stop these thoughts people only made it worse by telling me there is something wrong with me and i should go to a therapist but all they would do is put me on pills. I dont wanna go on pills and make me somebody im not. Is there something wrong with me? Or is there something wrong with the world that im in? Does anybody even have the correct answer to these question?
I think you have just realise that life is indead pointless if you look at it in a completely dispassionate way. I feel most people don’t think too much about it, being conditioned not to, with work, love and family keeping them busy. So we are normal to question it, to feel life is pointless, but it doesn’t mean we need to commit suicide over it. I feel it’s important to get a balance in life, finding something to live for without blindly believing all is well. I don’t have the definitive answer, I’m probably wrong, or others have different opinions, this is just mine.
I understand what ur getting at but to find a balance like that is so hard
I dont know if there is a point. How hard do you have to work to get what you desire. For what. If its so impossible. Im gonna try to just be a normal guy from now on. Im done with dreams. Im gonna drink myself to death behind the backs of my family. They wont understand how I feel and I resent them for it. I will die very soon of a fatty liver and other health conditions. I guess in the end I just couldnt take it.
Hatefulworld what’s your dream? I shattered all of mine.. because I shattered my mind. How old are you? I’m curious.. do you smoke weed?
My dream is a dream that is impossible to fufill… i wanna be a vampire. And im 15 and sometimes i smoke weed why do u ask?
How old are you?
Because your not content in life yet dude.. what is causing you to feel this way? Not eating healthy? No gf? No career?
Well im only 15 so i cant really do anything with it yet because im still regulated because of my age. Im not fit but im not fat im average and also im a girl so i dont have a bf but i dont really care anymore about bf’s and stuff like that.
Your only 15.. I’d give anything to go back to that age. I started break dancing at 15.. loved it so much. Roller skated. Weed is dangerous, your brain is still developing.. it will make you dumb and depressed,. make bad choices in life and ruin your future.. trust me..
Hmm you need an exciting Hobbie.. to get you from average to fit.. Jus jog around the block listening to your I pod… or try yoga.
What are your hobbies? What are your passions?
Thats why i dont do weed that much. And my passions have to be TV, anime, and books. But lately iv lost interest in books.