I wouldn’t ever kill myself although the thought crosses my mind often and brings me the best peace. I’ll go to sleep and pretend like its forever. No more bills to worry about, no more worrying about why the guy didn’t like me or why im never good enough, no stressing about my use to be friends who dont seem to want me around for some reason or always wondering what the hell is wrong with me.
Im blessed. I really am. I have a beautiful daughter, a great job, a roof over my head, a car that runs, and a good family. I just feel that everything is to hard. Then i think to myself that im just a lazy loser who needs to get off my ass and quit feeling sorry for myself. There are people out there who are homeless, missing limbs, or have no one at all. I’m not one of those people. So what’s my problem?? Why cant i just be one of those annoying happy people who love life and make the most of every minute?? I honestly feel like i just exist………