Alice wants to know why everyone wants to know who alice is! alice does not want to be constantly harassed and dogged! Alice does not wish to be accused of being a stalker when it is the other person who seems to be stalking alice! constantly popping into alices posts and discussions to subjugate alice to scrutiny for being alice! Alice is just alice! there is nothing more to tell! alice just wants to be left alone to tell stories and aquire new friends! alice does not want to get anxiety from this site! alice became alice to escape the anxiety and social constructs she is confined to! leave alice alone if you want to harass scrutinize or stalk! that is all alice asks
Well Alice my love, I think now that we’re married we’re at emailing level. After all the priest did say that it was the first step: killswitchon88 @ hotmail . com
Alice did not hear what the priest had said, alice was just so excited to be near alices cuppy cake
Lol -__- cuppy cake
Cuppy cake no like?
Alice made me look inside my mind
Alice made me think outside of the box and in to the fractals.
Alice shone colour in to darkness.
Alice made me feel love
I love Alice.