I wanted to say thank you.
The community here has been really supportive in comments and I didn’t have the chance respond. I tried to kill myself and I thought my failure was weakness. Your responses helped. Thank you for reaching out. I feel like everything is falling apart and chaotic, but having SP has been a relief. I feel like nobody else really understands. I’ve been reading here for a long time before even posting so I understand a lot of people are experiencing hard times. Maybe not the same hardship but at least it helps heing able to understand what’s going on. This understanding has provided so much support. I wanted to offer my support as well. As you have all helped me, I would like to help you.
Thank you.
Well, I think that is great . I feel the same way. SP is like an emotional bank. When I have the means I can contribute and when an emergency comes up I can yell for help 🙂
I feel the same about this place and the people here. Glad you are here. 🙂
Thank you too.
I am fairly new, but I am finding these post to be rather theraputic thanks to everyone, it is nice to know I am not alone feeling these things and there is nothing wrong with me and I am not the “LOSER LUNATIC”” my family tells me I am… (But they always lauh and say there kidding…yeah right) know this emptyness and pain is not just my cross to bare is a great help….THANKS