I just recently came across this site as I was in a broken state. I’ve taken hundreds of online depression quizzes and all seem to say the same thing…that I am severely depressed. Every time I bring up being tested to my mom, she makes it seem like it’s a big joke and laughs. It has never once got through to her that maybe something is wrong with me. People talk about me, “friends” don’t want to hang around me, my mother claims im a long list of words such as: ugly, fat, a pig, stupid, attention seeker, drama, dumb ass, retarded….. the list goes on. If i’m not getting picked on at home, i’m getting comments from “friends” at school about my personal relationships and how I wouldn’t understand their topics of conversation because I have never had a boyfriend before. I feel like a failure to the world and every day I just get worse and worse. This past year I’ve gotten so bad that now suicide is what I feel the only option for me is. As I went upstairs after my family left, I had everything set out to end my life…..but then I came across the letter ‘Suicide…Read This First’ and it changed me. It put me in tears because I knew that once the deed is done everything is over. I may have a shitty life, family and friends but on here, people understand me. They don’t get quiet when I tell them my thoughts or they don’t tell me that I need to check into a hospital asap. They have their own stories to tell and I’ve realized that the people who care most about me, are these people on this site.
If youre feeling down and sad. Read this, it always helps me. This wont make you happy, but this will help you to set yourself on a path towards understanding yourself better and realising that sadness isnt a way of life, its a state of being. And as always can be overcome. I know its easier said than done, especially cus i cant do it myself. But i hope this helps you. And as always, i am here if you wanna talk.
I’m sorry that you feel so bad. Your mum sounds kind of abusive. She shouldn’t say those things to you. It is good that you realise that you need help and that it could be some sort of solution, better than ending it all. People can be so horrible but you know that it’s them and not you. Like I say, I hope you find some help soon but you always have us no matter what 🙂
I always am given what I need and not what I want. I want a life I can’t have, but apparently I don’t need the life I want. If that makes any sense. I found this site by accident and it seems to be what I need. Bah. Happy holidays. I’m not making any sense today. I might want to just start drinking early.
I’m sorry to read of your situation. Is there a chance that your mom trivialises your problem because shes afraid of the truth? Do your friends agree with your thoughts at all?
Imho if you are this perceptive anout your own thoughts and feelings, you dont necessarily need experience to discuss a relationship. I wouldnt feel lressured at anybstage for something like that, especially just as a conversation topic!
I’m sorry I cant be of more use but know that we are here and happy to listen as mentioned by bruiseviolet and hds. They each are orical’s filled with advice!
Nevertheless Merry Christmas! 🙂