im only 11 and ive already had alot of suiside thoughts i feel useless to the world what the point of this everyone judges me and picks on me. resently my best friends mom died of colen cancer (RIP cythea curro) that brought me down i know if i comite suiside my bff will turn to it 2. im afraid of death, i never try and cut myself. my older brother is the worst, he tells me ill die a vergin he tells me ,”go to hell” “no one cares 4 u” he doesnt help. and just about a month ago my very 1st boyfriend broke up with me over a text he broke my heart </3 . my one and only love, johnny may 🙁 my teacher hates me ive lost most of my friends i think suicide is the only way out but then i took some time and all i did 4 about a month was think think think then i realized what my mother would think when she found me dead in my room. what my bff would think itll be to much for her and my other friends and family. now i live by1 saying live love laugh, the 3 ls i found out not to hide your depresinon under a smile acually smile :)it helps:),a lot! sorry about how long it is and my spelling errors again im only 11 live love laugh:)
Hunny, your so young. You have A LOT to look for. You shouldnt be thinking of suicide!!! I want you to be strong and keep saying those 3 words. And sorry about your best friends mum. But really, stay strong . Email me if anything!!!
Hello Cali,
You are 11? Don’t worry about your spelling….you are a good speller and regardless your message comes through loud and clear. How did you get soooo smart already? My first thought is “OH NO….not another smart one”….lol….we are the hardest on ourselves….use our intellect against ourselves…but you….11? Doesn’t matter….what first peeked my attention was the title….I frequently use something similiar…and even on this site. Glad you’re here.
Live, Learn, Love, Laugh….Always Laugh (especially at myself)
Hey Cali i’m sorry there are a couple of young people on the site me included being 14 and i know what its like. I know its hard to face someone that you love die, but it is something that you have to move on from, you can’t stay stuck in the same place. As for your older brother, well they do have a tendency to be mean, but thats them for you. Don’t let anything he says upset you. I used to have the same problem with friends when i was your age. I remember spending every lunch and breaks by myself playing with the lavender or by the ducks in my school pond. I then realised i was wasting my life, so i thought why not make some friends. It was hard and i got some good advice. You have to be a friend to have friends. As for teachers hating you well they hate everyone, they’re mean like that always picking out their favourites. I know as im in school myself. But Cali if you want to live you have to do good in school, you have to start your life. So try and do well in school. There is no point in dying at this age. You want to feel better after but you can’t feel anything after because your dead. It hurts to many.
Sorry i write a lot don’t i? Hope you don’t mind
Stay strong
Love Shadows