I don’t know what to do. A really close friend of mine has been depressed most of his life and has again threatened to take his own life today. He has been going through a particularly rough time lately. He is in his early 20s and has so much potential. Tonight I sat on the phone with him for almost 2 hours trying to talk him out of it. I have no way of getting to him tonight. At the end of the conversation he was a bit better and promised me he would wait until tomorrow.
I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to lose him. He tried looking for help- but the councilors simply brushed him off saying he wasn’t a “risk”. It made me so angry. He is so lost. And so am I. What can we do?
This makes me so ,,Deja vu” of me yesterday…
If you wouldn’t need to pay for it and if he’d go, a psychiatric hospital could be an option. You can go to any hospital and tell them what’s going on, and they should help you (possibly by taking him to a nearby psychiatric hospital). There might be other organizations near you that you could find online, who you could phone and ask for advice.
Can you get a hold of his parents or family?
I have gotten hold of psychiatric help (not just the local councilors or hospital) and am getting him admitted next week. Hopefully this works.