I stop cutting awhile ago, but now i have been having problems again, and i started cutting again. Every once in awhile I get a feeling like if i aint here(earth) everyone will be happy. I feel like i ruin everyones lives. I ruined my moms, my dads, my WHOLE FAMILIES lives. I want to be and i want them to be happy. The only way that will happen is if i am gone forever. I just want to be happy. I have been suffering from depression since i was 8 and now i am 16. I want to end this now. So maybe this is a goodbye forever.
Dont give up. Like you said the feeling comes and goes. There is no magic solution but people will be worse off without you, I promise.
yes the may come and go but now i have been getting these feelings every day. i dont want to thru this anymore. i just want to be happy.
I’ve felt the same way, many times but believe me it won’t be better without you. You’re existence makes an impact, it’s up to you to make it a positive one. Things seem to go up and down for me constantly too but we can both get through. Just take it one day at a time. It’s not easy but it’ll be worth it. Everyone deserves to be happy. So smile a little more, and look up funny jokes just to make yourself laugh. It sounds cheesy but it irks. You’ll get through this. Don’t give up.
i do have apostive attitude, but everyone still is angry or sad around me and i hat it. i have an app called funny jokes on my phone i look at that when i am feeling down. i hope i can get through this.