Loving all the art everyone is posting.
Oh look it has a soundtrack.
I’m not going to be kind or love myself or anyone else tonight. Tapped out.
All is not lost though. Wildflower season is here. I may rally.
Last night I was walking and the grass was wet on my feet. You were there too. You are still there.
Loving all the art everyone is posting.
Oh look it has a soundtrack.
I’m not going to be kind or love myself or anyone else tonight. Tapped out.
All is not lost though. Wildflower season is here. I may rally.
What the fuck does he care right? Just cruising in his POS life and fucking with my entire existence.
What the fuck does anyone care right? I woke up this morning and there was this empty bit that started to grow and I am so furious. Just red with anger and frustration. I want to swing a bat at him. Set him on fire.
But I won’t. I have the balloon string in my hand and have found a tree to tie it off on. Fuck me. Fuck my life. This one dimensional existence I bumble through. […]
The sun is blood red
My hand slipped from yours
Ice is my next step
Morning sunshine I thought
was my salvation only became
a taste that you hinted was
no more.
OH so recognizable when
your breath smells of passion
flowers in your hair and me
the thief who stole tomorrow.
Nothing changes, things just look different because I have stuffed so deeply that I hardly notice I no longer know who I am.
I tasted your breath this morning
and the honey and bitter love you
shared with me will never be mine.
Two days from now I’ll look at your
hand and wish they were on my skin
but you drink another women’s love
You are in my mind a sad tree frog
that looked into my loveless life and
you taste like pure heaven but you’re not mine.
Akogare no Hinichijou (Longing of the Extraordinary)
I wonder sometimes if my longing has limits?
You unravel and are the sunset vermillian red
Me the sunrise that dresses quietly each morn
A tiny slate frog peeps quietly and I watch
as you sink quietly behind the cerulean horizon.
Love yourself
Be Kind
And yesterday you gazed sideways
Me a petal on a flower you the
time that it takes for the rain to fall.
Just checking on you friend. How are you doing today? Your posts last night worried me a lot.
I found this today. No idea who this composer is. Seemed to fit this post.
I haven’t been posting much because it has been busy as hell around here. I’ve been reading though. Reading all the posts, typically when I’m in between things at work as a kind of pallet cleanser. I spend hours in numbers then read up on what humanity is doing…back to numbers.
I’d rather read about what you folks are up to, regardless of how sad, than read the news for even five minutes. Crimes against the world. That is all I read […]
I haven’t been posting a lot. I’ve been reading but not commenting. Lurking. I’m in a valley of sorts, which I’ll take. I’ll take this over the rollercoaster I have been living for months now. I was painting a thisle but thought this cropped stem portion was lovely.
Here have an interesting take on an old French favorite.
Be kind
Love yourself
Well I’ve been overworking the shit out of this all day. It is pointless, I just don’t have it today. So I scrapped it and went abstract. I don’t have the vision nor do I have the forsight to make this something spectacular. Here you go SP:
Hazy and a chance of let the fuck go.
Much like this this painting, I’m over worked. Seriously doubt myself today or the point of walking forward.
Act in […]
Bout sums up my world lately.
Sunay is my recharge day.
I’ve been fairly stable these last few weeks. Not sure exactly why, but I’ll take it, God I’ll take it. Any small win in my life I grab up. I’m greedy like that. I look around and think perhaps people aren’t greedy enough. Let me rephrase that, perhaps they aren’t greedy about good things enough, like love, friendship. Breathing.
One day in a lifetime of insanity that I stuff so deep down it is just par for the course when I do something batshit crazy like hide everything of value in the house because I’m […]
Currently stable. I’ll take it. It has been a rough spring. I’ll take the small wins I gained over the past week.
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