I’ve had chronic pain problems on and off over the past 20 years, it took me a long time to figure out but I have gut dysbiosis, which just means my gut has too much bad bacteria and too little good bacteria, it causes a host of health problems, for me it’s mostly urological pain and some symptoms of fibromyalgia but because of this I can enjoy any of my vices, food, I can only tolerate chicken, rice, and vegetables, I can’t drink booze, I can’t drink coffee, and sex is only when I’m not in pain, all of the pleasures in life are gone. […]
I got my wisdom tooth pulled 3 days ago and didn’t take antibiotics, the dentist said I had a very small infection but nothing major. Well starting yesterday I started getting a bit of a bad taste in my mouth and while the pain in my mouth has subsided just under my jaw hurts so I think my days are numbered. If I get antibiotics it causes me a lot of stomach problems and fibromyalgia symptoms.
I’ve been battling with an unknown illness since I was 23, on and off, and because I also have health anxiety disorder neither my parents nor my doctors have ever believed me. It took me a long time but I have an idea of what is going on and I think there is little hope I will live the year. I believe I have SIBO which in turn causes chronic infections, especially in my prostate, which hurts so bad I wish I were dead. I’ve been feeling better for the past year but the symptoms have been getting worst the past 6 months, IBS, rash, […]
My pain is returning and I don’t know if I’m strong enough to keep going
My prostate pain is returning, along with symptoms of fibromyalgia. I’m not sure if I’m strong enough to go through another flare up, the last one lasted 4 months, I don’t care about anything besides sleeping and the prostate pain everything else is minor and I can live with.
I’ve been suffering from IBS, severe prostate pain, and insomnia from pain off and off for over a year and the pain is starting to come back. I believe these problems are from eating too much sugar and drinking too much booze over the years, probably more from eating poorly. I also have health anxiety disorder, so it’s hard for my parents to believe me but part of the reason I have health anxiety disorder is because I’ve had undiagnosed pain in my youth from this and I’ve only recently put together what it is. I don’t want to kill myself but if my severe […]
I’ve had a chronic pain condition since I was 24 (I’m 42 now), it comes and goes and it’s not horrible most of the time but sometimes it gets so bad I can barely function for months at a time, I’ve lost up to 40lbs in a few months when it happens, the pain is so bad I can barely sleep, to me if I had to live like that all the time it would better to be dead. I’m not religious, though I have studied some eastern religious and I find them fascination, still I have this fear if I kill myself I will […]
I feel like I’ve destroyed my life by living unhealthy, being an on and off again alcoholic, doing everything in excess, these things have led to a lot of suffering. I don’t want to die but I don’t want to live in extreme pain either. I’ve been able to cure myself before so I’m hope I can again.
I’ve only recently figured out I have an auto immune problem, I confirmed through a test, though I know I’m going to have many more tests run. I’ve had this pain (prostate, arthritis, pain in veins) since I was 24, off and on, the worst pain is in my prostate, it’s so bad I can’t imagine living like this for a long period of time, it’s called chronic non bacterial prostatitis. Thankfully I found cures that kept it at bay but after a 5 year stint of drinking alcohol I think I’ve messed my gut up enough to where I think I’m stuck with this […]
I think in a very short period of time I will be dead from abusing alcohol for the past 5 years. I’m scared to die.
Ever since I was young I’ve always feared death, I remember around six years old while on a camping trip I told my father about my fear of death, his advice was “don’t worry you won’t die until you’re older”, I just turned 41 a few days ago 1/25. I try to distract myself, I have a lot of hobbies, but the fear never leaves and I always think I have some kind of illness.
I’ve been super depressed for the past two weeks for multiple reason, got to the point where I didn’t talk for almost 3 days, most of my family didn’t notice even though I’m usually a hyper basket case, my parents aren’t very observant or intuitive. The past two months I was fine, some minor lows but I felt great because I was abusing coffee, started off with a shot of espresso the first day then over a period of weeks increased my tolerance to 8+ shots of espresso a day or sometimes 9 cups of coffee. I’m careful at first since it releases stress hormones […]
I just came across this today, from what I’ve read it has a 70% success rate but isn’t covered by insurance and can be a little expensive. Anybody else consider this?
Even though I have friends and family that care about me I always feel so alone. I’ve had severe social anxiety and was extremely shy as a kid so I never developed social skills, I’ve improved dramatically but I feel so disconnected from people. I just want someone to share experiences with and cuddle 🙁 I know moaning does nothing but I feel like I’m too far gone, it’s already my personality to be needy, unconfident, and boring.
I contracted an STD from an ex about 8 months ago (always use a condom, even for blowjobs!), it’s chronic pain in my dick among other things. The doctors are no help and I’m having trouble sleeping! I’ve also had severe anxiety and depression most of my life, on the positive side my family is not too bad. Grew up in a nice house, family vacations, blah blah blah, but what I wanted most that I never received was love! I mean I got some love but I feel like they didn’t want to exert the effort, I guess I can blame that on both […]