I’m feeling suicidal, idk what to do. I have no one to talk to. What should I do? Should I tough it out alone, I’m so sick of doing that. I need someone.
what are some of your guys’ experience with anti depressants. getting to that low point again the days are so hard to get through. it feels like being around people is making me depressed because Im around so many people but also so alone at the same time. I don’t understand why its so hard for me to talk to the people I want to talk to.
I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with going to a mental hospital for help with suicide and depression, I’ve had these thoughts for a while and its about time I get help. thx
Im so alone i have no friends at all not even online friends, ive had some online friends but that was a while ago. I cant remember the last time ive connected to anyone irl. I dont have very good social skills irl and im fucking shy as hell. Ive been in school since oct and have not made a single friend. I miss those 1 to 1 human interactions its so hard to go on everyday
I started a new smaller school back in October and basically its for kids with emotional and social problems. It is now the end of February and I haven’t made a single friend which I guess is kinda sad but I’m just really bad with social interactions. I basically sit at the corner seat and dont talk to anyone all day. There is this girl who loves anime (I also love anime) and I would say I have a really good chance with her but its so hard for me to talk to her because I hardly ever see her and shes not in any […]
I’m 15 and I have zero friends and just want some one to talk to. I’ve never really had any friends/girlfriend. I fell like just killing myself idk what to do anymore.
I find it extremely difficult to actually make decent real life friends.
I’m 15 years old and all the “Real life friends” ive had up until this point have either used me or don’t care about me and make fun of me.
I made another post about most of my life and in that post I explained how I had cancer from when I was 9 up until I was 14. most of the people I know call me cancer boy and some people act so scared of me because they might catch my disease even though it is not contagious (obviously) and I do not have […]
this anxiety is going to kill me
My name is jon im 15 and i guess i have social anxiety. i’ve always been very shy when I was younger and never really had any close friends. I went to school knowing I had no friends but I didn’t care because I really loved learning and that was the motivation I had for going. In the beginning of 4th grade I was diagnosed with leukemia (which is a type of cancer) and had to be taken out of school for 2 months. when I returned everyone acted so nice towards me for the rest of 4th and 5th grade and I still really […]