Litany of my faults
I’m vain, despotic, blasphemous;
proud, haughty, ungrateful, scornful;
but still retain rose complexion.
The fire of hell burns me.
Cut glass is my system.
I’m egotistical, cold, tumultuous.
I break like fragile butterfly.
I myself have built my curse.
I’m perverse, wicked, vindictive.
It provided my blood and fugitive.
My thoughts are very taciturn.
My dreams of sin are nocturnal.
I’m hysterical, crazy, insane;
but to eternity and sentenced.
(Pita Amor, 1987)
LetanÃa de mis defectos
Soy vanidosa, déspota, blasfema;
soberbia, altiva, ingrata, desdeñosa;
pero conservo aún la tez de rosa.
La lumbre del infierno a mà me quema.
Es de cristal cortado mi sistema.