i laughed during a moment of silence in school for rememberance day. then my boyfriend started laughing and we got in a ton of trouble. one teacher spoke to me about how disrespectful and disgusting my act was, i spoke to him about how disrespectful and disgusting it was that he cheats on his wife daily, he did not appreciate that “act” either.
Why is it that every time I start to care, something happens? Garrett freaking moved. Trevor has a girlfriend. Tennyson has a girlfriend. Emily likes Jacob. Bailey likes Brendan. I’m about to give up. I mean, don’t you think that something’s wrong when a sweet guy, named Paul, who’s.. special, if you get what I mean, goes to sit by you, then looks at you and says “I don’t wanna sit by that,” laughs, and walks away. Shouldn’t something be wrong if a guy that has barely had a girlfriend thinks that you’re nasty? I mean, what could be wrong with me? I haven’t… I’ve never […]
For years I’ve been afraid of fear. My main phobia is hands. How does an artist come to be so terrified of what she needs to use to create? And im not talking like an “ew, they’re creepy” fear, I mean full blown body shakes, nightmares, parinoia, the works.
and that’s only one of the endless list that i dont want to live.
There’s also heartache after constant heartbreak, the last one also the worst one, i just cant seem to recover from. Mainly because of the loss of my very first child.
There’s also having to choose between my parents, who divorced when […]
so the summer of my 19th year has come to the climax of failing half my first year exams and continuing to fuck up during the holiday that followed, so it’s unlikely I’ll make it back to university, precipitating the major crash and burn i’ve had coming for a while i suppose
i’ve recently overdosed on ecstasy a few times, taken some desperate nights out in cities far from home and with strangers and just generally been ‘that guy’.. i did have close friends, but along with a sane home life it’s all just disintegrated and basically i’m half working to pass my exams to get […]