Welp so last week I got into a fight with one of the people from the old group of friends. They still haven’t said anything to me since then, so I assume we are no longer okay with each other…. Now I’m just down to two people and only one person that I see daily, which is probably going to end soon…. I really don’t want to go back to never talking to people again…. Also the quarter is over in a month, and that marks the end of a series of class that I’ve had for 2 years now, which means the people I […]
Fuck Everything
Imagination better than reality? Why Imagination is better than reality? Why is Imagination better than reality?
Why Imagination is better than reality?
Why is Imagination better than reality?
Why is fantasy better than reality? Why fantasy is better than reality?
What puzzles me the most is human’s mind / human’s brains and imagination better than reality / human’s fantasy is better than reality.
for example:
just look at the movies, novels, comics, games, books, , animations (anime / manga), science fiction (sci-fi), fantasy , like Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Swords Art Online, Interstellar, etc etc, they are much more interesting, full of POSSIBILITIES & varieties / variations, and better than reality / BORING reality […]
I’m so done with life. With everything included.
Why do I have to be the one with this kind of fucked up rebellious personality?
It’s getting to be too much to handle.
I honestly don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to go on like this.
After 3 months of not cutting, I relapsed.
Fucking relapsed.
I cut. Again.
Fuck it makes me so fucking pissed off that I let myself drop that low.
After 3 months.
I should just finish the job, and let my life go. -.-
i suffer from:
social anxiety
self harm
severe self loathing
daily (hourly) suicidal thoughts
and i’d say all of these have been keeping me from living my life the way i want to, they cause me to hurt others emotionally, and they’ve all been getting worse. i don’t know if i consider what i’m doing living, but rather merely staying alive; always wishing to drop dead any second.
Humanity and civilization are complete parasites. Little viruses destroying the Earth. I can’t live in this world. Â I can’t find any sort of “reason” or “goal” to live. To make money? To work and slave to “live”? To repeat everything, over and over in the same boring routine. I hurt everyone I love. Everyone leaves everyone, no point in even starting to get to know someone. Everything will ALWAYS fall apart. And i see no matter to living to be consistenetly dissatisfied and hurt. Living a life miserably is no way to live.