They say that I’m a lucky woman,
being healthy and successful,
living in good, rich Germany.
But sometimes I wonder
if people are blind
and completely heart-deaf here.
A few weeks ago,
I was waiting in a hotel –
A guest from Australia
was walking through the lobby.
A mobile on his ear.
I heard him talking:
„They are like robots here,
all of them!“
He couldn’t see me in the corner.
Then I just read HERE
from this young man
from Australia…
Complaining pretty much
about the same things over there.
Is there any better place?
I doubt. I traveled a lot.
Hell […]
What about that german pilot that killed 150 people. I shant think it was revenge or terrorism but more on the manic side
Please allow me to write some Words in German – because thats the only way I am sure, I can express myself in the most accurat way possible:
Egal wie alleine und einsam ich mir vorkomme. Wenn ich hier einige Gedanken von anderen Menschen lese, dann begreife ich, dass viele in ähnlicher Art und Weise leiden und das gleiche denken. Damit sind wir wenigstens gemeinsam einsam.
Es macht mich sehr traurig, dass es so viel Leid auf der Welt gibt. Leid ist eine subjektive Empfindung, so ist bereits auf Wikipedia zu lesen. Dennoch gibt es Arschlöcher, genannt “Freunde und Familie”, die einem sagen “Kopf hoch.” , “Leben […]