I see life’s travel before my eyes, and many years have passed an I am still hear. Locked always, in this shell of a thing. Roaming about this world I greave for them all not to see. Yet all they have to do is look in the mirror and fine it ,for them selves. From their own book in hand do they judge ,and server the one they fear most. Yet they never learn the gift that they where given. Choice: to be able to change, the fate of man instead of following the wheel. Sometime I start to think they are not who they […]
Even so.. a soft kiss from him is like that of a child’s innocence.. why does it feel so forbidden?.. such a thing like a first kiss is like a mark that shows ones rebirth yet ones own self destruction. I am a whore, a greedy one at that. I have stolen such innocence, many in fact. In my eyes the virtue of men has no value, no meaning. No one gave pity or sorry to mine, my own stolen virtue. The only thing that seems to ever matter is that kiss, the first kiss. A kiss that was taken because of my sheer stupidity […]
I’m always imagine a world without the existence of money. Why did money exist? Money causes unnecessary hardship and jealousy. If we can help each other regardless of status and selfishness, wouldn’t it be wonderful. The resources are already exist on the earth, but why some receive more than the others. Humans are evil, we grab the resources and claim as ours, we control the needs through money. Why greed and selfishness exist. I can’t wait for an asteroid to hit the earth. And I’m so tired to impress others, nobody is going to appreciate me if I have no status and ain’t rich.
I could fight, but then I might
All too knowingly invite
Useless hope into this life
A life that isn’t right
Made of dark, afraid of light
Called to empty, endless night
A life that isn’t even life
I could plead, get on my knees
And beg my God to fill my need
But where is He now when I bleed?
And then I sit alone and read
Of those who in their pain secede
To death’s thirsty, luring greed
Let me follow where they lead
I could fake and lie and break
In secret, cuts and bruises make
To cope with a life I long to take
Hating every day I wake
Living only for your sake
Drowning in this burning lake
Sinking down […]
I am going to have to stop using this profile. My parents found out about this site and grilled me for it. Its my fault really for not clearing my history. I’ll still be on but under a new name. I’ll figure out a way to tell you guys and girls that i was Greed. under the new name. Bye. 😉
All of these fools around me,
who think the world is just dandy,
don’t know the hell,
people like us go through.
We are the ones,
who are constantly judged,
by the ones who think themselves perfect,
but are really just the same as us.
The only difference between us and them,
is that we are brave enough to show it,
while they sit their and throw a fit.
Quote: Who is the bigger fool? The child afraid of the dark, or the man afraid of the light?
By: Greed
Oh my lovely alcohol, oh how you do please me
Fill my heart with sadness, and electrifying glee.
A sweet yet bitter liquid, that seeps into my veins
You dull my mind, you free my spirit, and take away the chains.
Sloshing in your frigid flask, you ask and tease for more
With jest and greed I indulge thee, and pass out on the floor.
No memory of prior things, convulsing laughs and tears
Ups and downs, a roller-coaster, yearning for more beer.
Dancing jigs to country music, strange and quite erratic
Thank god nobody’s watching, it must be quite traumatic.
Spread out on the cold concrete, bottle in one […]
Power is a filthy poison
for which there is no cure
It steals the soul and taints the life
and can make one quite impure.
Power vibrates in the beast
its sanity has gone
now it bleeds and weeps of greed
and thinks there is no wrong.
So take your need and power’s lust
and choose your victims wise
Scream your battle cry aloud
and shape your prey’s demise.
Demean the different, out and in
and make their life a hell
Carve wounds with words into their soul
and in your hate they dwell.
Destroy those who oppose your will
with shouts and strikes and sin
Claim that […]
The look of a trapped animal inside of my pool cage (He accidentally flew in one night – and left without incident at first light – me? I won’t be so fortunate
The world insists - evidently – that it must interject itself where it’s not needed or wanted. Maybe i could accept the intervention of he wold if i was doing something that caused harm or damage to others … of course i’m sure we all cause harm or damage inadvertently or indirectly somewhere along the […]
I’m geting really tired this ridiculous life. All I do everyday is turning my brain to off so I can run away from my pain. That’s the only thing that worked so far too. I can’t connect with anyone, can’t relate to anything and can’t find any worth in me. I’m tired of pretending I still want to do studies, tired of pretending everything is gonna get better. I’m sick of hearing the same lies everyday, sick of lying all the time. I can’t bare living among people who’d rather value greed, malice, and putting their kind down all the time. I’ve had enough of […]
I read Splinter’s post http://suicideproject.org/2010/08/lets-face-it-were-all-evil-in-some-way/ which was brought to the fore and I cannot stop reading it over and over and over. And this person is gone after really fighting. After really doing the unimaginable. I sit here sad for various known reasons and the urge to do something is sitting there. But what in the hell am I supposed to do? I thought about writing a small thing about why people commit suicide. It would involve as much of the truth as I know. But i realize I get burnt out easily. If i start writing can I continue and finish? Would eyes […]
“My name is unimportant. I am neither male, nor female. My age has no relevance to my grief.
Consider me a faceless representation of depression. An anonymous death seeker. A hopeless nobody.”
I’ve spent my life doing everything for everyone. I worked my ass off for ungrateful bosses. I threw my social life away to finish worthless years of schooling. I pushed away possible love interests to better the odds of my friends. My entire life has been a waste of time. A waste of space on this decaying, dying world. There is no hope for mankind, and just the same, there is […]
I walk around the world today
All I see is pain
The strife of man against the world
And man has nothing to gain
Ive seen death, I’ve seen poverty, and ive seen sickness
And all of my attempts to fix this were fruitless
A smile. A hollow smile is all i I get
From ones who claim they love me
Either they forget or just don’t care
That I can’t smile back
This strife we fight through in life
Will be forgotten soon enough
The only thing we’ll be remembered by is
Our headstone reading “in memorium of”
I’ve seen greed and glutton,
I’ve seen cheap basterds […]
The financial struggle just to exist is exhausting. My wife died over 8 years ago and I raied our two children who are in college. The politics around my job are horrible and getting worse thanks to some very misguided individuals at the state level. I have tried to find another job but the competitition is stiff and most employers want a younger person.
Thanks to the greed on wall street, corporations outsourcing Asmerican jobs, the governments huge deficiets and low interest rates our IRAS and 401K’s have tanked several times over the past 15 years leaving it with being no where close […]
Hi all, It is very sad that we are forced, I am forced to live in a world that kills all life so freely and they justify it in their minds as either a good thing or a needed evil. Our world Governments kill without pause. But If I want to Leave what I view as a painful and unjust life I am considered of ill mental health. I have been diagnosed with major depression for many years. I have been on many drugs, did therapy from 1991 to 1997, I am 55 yo. Gay and blah, blah , blah. I am looking for a […]
It’s really disgusting to hear some successful story of how someone being happy by adopting the manipulation of others.
One instance that, the famous actor Woody Allen broke the trust between being a father and his adopted daughter by engaging in sex, saying that it’s all because of love.
It’s like, while a girl is sad and in need of comfort, by pathetically crying into the arms of a gay flatmate, naked with just a thin bed-lining covered, and afterward boldly announced to others that somehow it was the gay that initiated and
seduced to have sex.
So, wasn’t there a trust already announced solidly at the […]
greed and materialism will never be constructive values:
(a) never heard of any item that can fulfill that feeling of emptiness and (b) the things you own end up owning you (fight club quote)
on the other hand, to enjoy sharing and being good-intentioned seems to mainly attract opportunists
it’s like you have to spend your whole life defining boundaries, keeping your guard up, waiting for your next desillusion
you’ll be identified as the weird, paranoid one because you refuse to give people the opportunity to take advantage of you
I feel like I should go live in nature: no more forced interactions, no more hierarchy to submit to, no […]
I’ve so often thought of suicide, but when I hear that word it seems inappropriate to convey what I really want. The truth is I just want an ending. I want to be free from the expectations of parents and people around me, free of the worry for money or to have a social standing. I’ve been going to college for 3 years and they haven’t been very happy. Now I flunked cell biology and my moms cutting me off, and spoke to me with the most sincere sense of disappointment. She said she loved me but I saw no love in her words. It’s […]
I’m a 26 year old male, depressed, chronic procrastinator, without any sense of meaning in my life. I hate the world we live in, so much is wrong, greed over morality pretty much sums up most of it, and an ignorance is bliss lifestyle the rest. But that’s the normal QQ; here’s were it gets really pathetic. I hate myself most of all, everyday I wake up and cuss at myself until I can finally summon up the will to get out of bed and face another day of my life. I have nothing, and I know it’s no one’s fault but my own; I […]
I’m only 13, but I’m smart enough to see the truth. The world has gone to shit, and there’s nothing I can do about it.
My life has been one big downhill fall. I don’t mean to sound whiney or “emo”, but I can’t help it. I completely seclude myself, so I don’t have to deal with the idiots of the world. Homeschool is stressing me out, but I’m terrified to go to normal school. I pick my nails and skin, and continue because the pain is the only feeling I ever have other than apathy and melancholy. My parents don’t understand, my brother doesn’t […]