Hey my name is Olivia and I’m 15. Lately a lot of shit has been going on in my life and I’m finding it harder and harder to find a reason to live. So much has been going on with bullying, cyberbullying and self harm. I’ve lost a lot of friends because of it and I don’t think I can go on like this much longer. I really need someone to talk to, someone who understands, I’ve heard some people call it depressions buddies but yeah, I need someone. And if anyone ever needs to talk or needs help then you can kik me anytime. My kik […]
Hey everybody, I’m new here…..kind of. Anyways I felt like I wanted to share my story, but I have no idea where to start or how to start. So I’m just going to ramble on and on until I feel like it should end.
I guess I was always suicidal. I’ve always thought of suicide as a little girl and its almost an obsession now. I remember trying to commit suicide when I was six or seven, but not strong enough to push the steak knife into the skin of my neck. Such a weak little girl I was. Anyways about two years ago is when […]
I’m Carys, and this is my story. It started back in seventh grade, from January to now. I had recently met a girl, Kristin. We clicked right away and life was good. Until summer. One of my friends from before, Olivia, started acting up a bit. She was quieter, and preferred to stay behind more. I got concerned, but she wouldn’t say anything. Later, I discovered Kristin was a lesbian, and she liked me. I was kind of astonished, and I didn’t know what to think. Eventually, I fell in love with her. At the same time, however, Olivia revealed to me she liked Kristin. […]
im new to this site so i dont really no what to write but ima start out with
this im olivia im 16 years old and i dont really have a lot of friends i choose
to be that way and it sucks on me.i have soical phobia disorder so its really hard
to make friends or even go to school in middle school every thing was great and now being in
high school sucks i came from a very small private middle school and everyone called it
so call rich white poeple school i dont liek dat becuz i am black
(jamaican amarican ) but lots […]