Hell, it’s corny as all fuck but I don’t care. Lately my personal situation has left me with more of a relation to Mr. Brightside than most songs. Well, that and a need to have one goddamn drink. Being alone sucks, but to know who you’d like to be spending time with is ignoring you, and is with their boyfriend just makes it that much worse. Experiencing one of the big depression symptoms which is… Any guesses? You Sir, You madam! You guessed it, lethargy. The girl’s out there doing God knows what for God knows what reason, and I’m sitting here talking about a […]
Hi. I am new to posting on here but have been reading this website for a while now. I am planning on taking my life and wanted to share the reason why.
I truly am an awful, despicable person who does not deserve to live. I lie through my teeth to get what I want. I stole over 5 thousand pounds from the company which I worked for who always treated me with the greatest respect and when they found out they should have called the police and have me arrested for stealing and fraud but instead they only dismissed me.
I ruined the greatest relationship in […]
Im so pissed today.I had a great morning went out for my birthday with my therapist even though they gave me a gift card to buy clothes knowing if they gave me it for anything else i wouldve bought pills and probably taken them.What people dont get is im already going to do that and i can find my own way to get what i need cause im resourceful.But it gets worse
I go on a site to get free stuff and give away stuff and they took the item i was giving away down.Even though people were giving away the same item.Anyway not […]