Audio Player
I have no idea if this is going to work right.
If you’re able to listen to the sound file, here’s the story behind it:
I wrote it in 2011, and it’s called “Requiem”.
A requiem is a song written to honor someone who has passed away.
I thought it might be nice played at my funeral.
I realize the instruments are all computery and fake sounding; it’s artificially generated sounds, and I’m sorry about that. I wish it came out better. It would be better with real people playing real instruments.
The instrumentation is as follows:
Acoustic Guitar
Electric Bass
String Bass
Downloaded and listened on Android. Overall I like it. Kinda strikes a chord with me I guess.
Is it working from my post? For you?
It’s doing the same thing.
No audio player shows up in the post, but a link is there.
If I click on the link, it will open the file separately in Windows MediaPlayer.
For me your post wont open I’m gonna delete mine
you should proly delete everything I ever say on all your posts.
But if it wasn’t for you, I’d never hear inappropriate sniffing!
I can’t give that up.
I enjoy sniffing you too
Yeah, I had to download to play it though
Odd the audio player shows up but it wont play or allow me to download it.
I know, weird, right?
I converted and reposted as mp3 for you
Ok i heard it on your post.You’re pretty good cordless.
It sounded good to me
I think it works now.
Thank you Alan for converting it to mp3.
deadmanliving and NIIL: Thank you! I still wish you guys could hear what it sounds like with higher quality instrumentation. Finale’s soundbank made it sound pretty realistic.
MIDI ruined it, but still… this at least gives you an idea.
Hope you don’t mind I’m editing this like crazy…
Wait… what?
What are you doing????
hey..bah lol.. did u hear about the fight change
which fighters changed? don’t tell me dos anjos and McBraggard pulled out
yep…broken foot.. connor is fighting nate diaz at 170
nate. hm… nate isn’t as good as his brother nick. would be fun to see nick fight. ha, connor is like “nooooooooo. i want da damn belt!!!”
i watched nate in his last fight was pretty good.. this was just weird cuz they are fighting at their walking around wait. aldo turned it down because he wasnt ready and edgar turned it down cuz he is hurt..
poor frankie. they never give him a title shot. he should start talking smack like McBraggart.
just playing with my mobile studio software. Slowed it down a bit, so it’s about 6 minutes now. Tried to add some “real” feel to the electronic-sound. Added a few layers. Some resonance. Boosted the highs, mellowed the lows. Added a good heap of echo. Sounds pretty haunting now… Not that I didn’t like it before. Just having fun.
Dang, Cordless, this is friggin’ amazing! Wish I could compose music like that.
dude, my comment went to moderation for no reason. re-typing it here. unless this goes to moderation too. -_-‘
Cordless, this is friggin’ amazing! Wish I could compose music like that.
Aww! Thank you.
I love making things like this; it’s good therapy for me because it reminds me that even though my body is falling apart, my brain can at least do something worthwhile sometimes.
lol.i mean weight
One weird thing I noticed is that the player took away the post’s date and author attribution.
It doesn’t say “February 24, 2016 by Cordless”, like it should.
And that old non-working player is still there, right above the one that DOES work.
I tried editing the post to get rid of the non-working player, but it isn’t there in “edit” form.
It doesn’t show up in either the “visual” view or the text view.
Yet there it is anyway.
Yeah, I listened to the amazing song and didn’t know who composed it for a while, until after reading a bunch of comments and then I was like, oh it must be from Cordless 😛
Listened to your song some more today 🙂
Yay! I’m glad people seem to like it.
I was worried it might not be received all that well, since it’s not the kind of stuff that gets played on the radio.
LOL you’re a grumpy cat today?
I am.
Nobody else seems to be posting pictures of their actual faces, so I thought maybe I’d join the rest of you in being a little more anonymous.
I stopped at laziness. WP wanted me to create *another* account, on top of having an SP account, so I said “screw it, i’m lazy, so no pics”
so that isn’t Alan Ominous, in his? 😀
That’s so beautiful Cordless.
Thank you!
The song is really really cool. I like it. Its dramatic and emotional.
It’s sort of calm and soothing and depressing all at the same time.
I think the cello helps that a lot, even though it’s hard to hear the cello in this particular version.
I LOVE cello.
And bass. 🙂
I love this. Great job! Gives me the chills. I wish I knew how to download it, because I totally would. Thank you so much for sharing =)
me2! would love to dl this. been listening to your song all morning lol.
Thank you; I’m grateful for the warm reception it’s gotten.
Cordless, this Requiem is so beautiful. I really like it.
Thank you! 🙂
Was going to comment earlier but passed out due to exhaustion. That sounds great, you can tell by the composition that you really put quite some work into it, and that you just “get” how each instrument is supposed to work/sound. I do get the vibe that there’s space for a main instrument line, as in it being accompanying music (or maybe it’s my headphones playing tricks on me)… but yeah, sort of makes sense if it’s a requiem. Lots of kudos, really liked it!
Piano is sort of the main instrument, although I like the color that the other instruments provide.
I’m glad you liked listening!
I’m finally getting to listen to this. Very nice. Soothing.
When an I going to get to hear your french horn? there is no french horn on this.
One of these days I’ll write something new for french horn… or maybe finish some of the old projects I’d started a long time ago. 😮
Cordless, I am new here, and way too exhausted to introduce myself, so I hope I´m not being impolite…but your Requiem got me carried away so much that I had to leave this comment! I´ve been listening to it about twenty times, and will do it again…it´s the “mixture” that gets me. It´s sad but soothing, expressive but restrained at the same time…and I love the Cello, too.
Thank you!
I appreciate that; thank you! 🙂
Beautifully incredible
You should put this on iTunes 😛
Moneypenny and bah: Thank you for that. 🙂