Yes, this…
Plus wildly varying degrees of insomnia followed by just the opposite: days and nights where I can sleep for 12-14 hours at a time. Then more insomnia.
Clearly my brain flips a coin about this every night, (which might explain some of the migraines.)
Brain on Monday: “Oooh, tails! That means we stay awake staring at the ceiling all night!”
Brain on Tuesday: “Hey, look, heads! Now we get to sleep for 13 hours!”
Brain on Wednesday: “Wow, the coin landed on its side. I guess that means she dies in her sleep.”
lol, at least you kinda make up for the sleep by oversleeping the next night. try chronic insomnia. it’ll kill ya….s l o w l y
Sometimes I don’t have the patience to die slowly. 😉
In the meantime, my brain occasionally feels like a soggy bowl of Rice Krispies which stopped snap-crackle-popping a long time ago.
Here, I’ll prove it…. put your ear against my skull.
Hear anything?
What are the chances to get a coin landing on its rim? I would need an entire box of lucky charms to get one of those. I’ve just heard it is possible… quite a romantic idea 🙂 guess we all hope for something like that, even if we don’t dare to wish for as much.
hm, i’m guessing the nickel would work best. it’s got a fatter edge but smaller than a quarter. small circumference = more solid center of gravity so it should be “easier” (relatively speaking) to get that on it’s side than a quarter. the dimes’ edges are too thin so they wouldn’t work out well.
There’s science in it all I guess
Maybe that’s where I’m going wrong.
I think my brain has been using dimes.
how’d you decide on “moneypenny” as ur username?
also the nickel has a flat edge, vs the dime or quarter that have ridges. pennies also have a flat edge. why’d they decide to make ’em all wonky and inconsistent like that, nobody knows! maybe that guy had soggy rice crispies brains too.
My family dog’s name is Penelope (the sweetest pitbull ever, except for our other pitbull) and that’s because my brother likes to call our dogs after some Beatles songs.
But I just like the way Penny goes inevitably with the Money sound, and of course because I ‘ve heard it from James Bond, I guess (not a fan of James Bond, even when I like the cars and the guy who plays Q in the lasts films)
It’s got some charm for me. And was the only thing that came to me when I was trying to sign in… didn’t actually thought about it much, it was supposed to be temporary…
For me, sleep is directly related to what I need to do. Have to be up at 3am, I sleep till 8am, have to be up at 8? Wide awake at 3
So you have the opposite syndrome!!
I can be an insomniac for a few days, then will switch over into “sleep-all-the-time” mode for a week or so, or whatever.
Eventually my sleep schedule gets so warped that I have “Vampire Hours”, awake all night long and sleeping all day long.
My neighbors are probably already gathering up garlic and wooden stakes.
At least I don’t sparkle.
sparkle? vampires sparkle? 😛
Apparently the ones in the “Twilight” series did.
I seen Dracula castle is for sale in Hungary? I think. Only like $80 million…
you think they’d accept $80 million in monopoly money?
I doubt it, but if you’re short on cash I got a pen pal, well he’s a Nigerian Prince. He needs to give away a boat load of money.
Dracula Castle? Really?
That would be awesome to have.
People would ask “So, where do you live?”
I could shrug nonchalantly and say “Dracula’s castle. It was only 80 million, so of course I had enough left over to renovate the dungeon. Want to come over for late night snacks?”
Then they would slowly back away, and I could eat my BBQ hot wings in peace.
Don’t forget to buy a dragon! Maybe a baby dragon. He can fire up the hot wings! 😀
all this talk of bbq and wings… i can still eat wings (but no sauce)… itching to call dominoes…
Better yet, TWO dragons. That way everything can be cooked evenly on both sides.
No salmonella poisoning allowed in Dracula’s castle.
who wants a ride on the dragons? MEEEEE (assuming they’re nice lil’ dragons who won’t kill me lol)
They won’t kill you unless you ask them to.
Maybe if every member pitched in like 5-10 bucks we could do a group buy? The place is huge, so there’s room. We could even shoot a TV show, “The Saddest Place On Earth”…
Or if 80 of us contributed a million each…
Or if a million of us contributed eighty bucks…
That’s do-able, right?
We might need to recruit a few people to join.
I’m an idiot, but…
The castle is 75,000 square feet, so if 70 people went at a time there’d be room. Time share it for 1 week per group of 70, we need 3,640 donors to put up $21,978 each
So….a timeshare with 1 Million depressed suicidal people?
What could go wrong?
We can even try the bake sale option, or a charitable bbq of enemies. I think people would pay for the second one, specially if they don’t have to clean up…
I really like how it sounds: ‘timeshare with a thousand depressed people’. It’s a total catch.
…except the ones that kill themselves would stop paying…
although, on the plus side, those who live and are too depressed to go when their week arrives, it won’t be as crowded 😛
best to make the suicidal pay for 10 years upfront.
That’s the spirit!
We can totally do this.
Does anyone know any Transylvanian/Romanian realtors?
realtors? surely the owners would list it themselves? imagine the commission you’d have to pay on that thing. 6% of 80M = 4.8M. Someone can retire on that one sale.
It’s on a cliff I think too, so… There’s some kinks to work out.
Not like Dracula’s castle is a stranger to dead bodies piling up
so the trick is to get the suicidal timeshare ppl to pay 100% upfront lol
Absolutely, I mean once it’s paid it’s paid.
What people think depression feels like:
– attention seeking
– whinging
– complaining
– over exaggerating
– making things up
– doesn’t really happen, its just something ‘whinging/complaining/weak’ people created to make an excuse to seek attention
– an excuse
– cowardly
– selfish
NOT my views, these are views of people who don’t understand it at all and/or those who don’t even bother to try and understand
I swear someone once said to me that if I would just “smile”, it would fix everything.
I think what he really meant is “Smile, so I don’t have to be reminded that you are depressed every time I look at you.”
Sort of like telling a starving person to wear thicker clothes. It only disguises the real problem, and fixes nothing.
* sniff sniff *
I’ve heard that put as “fake it till you make it” not sure how that’s suppose to work, but every time I pretend to be a doctor I just get arrested.
We wear the mask that grins and lies,
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,–
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
And mouth with myriad subtleties.
Why should the world be overwise,
In counting all our tears and sighs?
Nay, let them only see us, while
We wear the mask.
We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries
To thee from tortured souls arise.
We sing, but oh the clay is vile
Beneath our feet, and long the mile;
But let the world dream otherwise,
We wear the mask!
This poem came to mind when I read your post @Cordless. I remember studying it in school and thinking why the Fuck do I need to hide my pain from the world? It’s a fucked up place and pretending its not does not change a damn thing….