If you read my “Axe Murderer” post earlier, you know I wrote some new music recently. Here it is.
Audio Player
Way different from the other two compositions I posted awhile back.
During one of my comments today, I described it like this:
It’s a bit darker and more chaotic than the kind of music I usually write.
It starts out like a dark smooth Gregorian Chant, and ends up sorta like an axe murderer is just realizing there are all sorts of pointy objects around.
It’s called “Triggering” because last week some issues triggered an especially dark pit of depression.
If, by nice, you mean “it sounds like someone just met a grisly demise in a dark forest next to an insane clown who is wearing antlers for no reason”, then YES, that’s pretty much what I was going for!
Really liked it. Guess i’m a sucker for dark stuff, had my guitar on hand and started sort of improvising and almost pulled of a full song based on yours, so i have to thank you both for sharing this and for giving me a bit of really needed inspiration 🙂
When you become a millionaire with your new song, we’re going to split the money, right?
I’d have to remember what the hell i played for the last 3 minutes in order to do that! lol.
hehe, this feels like Mario Bros meets exorcism priests at a cathedral, and they’re having a go at each other. 😛
it feels like a “fun” dark song ^_^
I was totally thinking about Castelvania 🙂
you mean the castle we were all gonna purchase with other SP’ers and do the timeshare with? 😛
Ax murderer coming to kill us… We could call it “the chase.”
Final fantasy’s sephiroth theme comes to mind too, but yeah, konami is pretty strong on this one, lol.
Ohhh Final Fantasy too! 🙂
I’d almost forgotten about the Transylvania timeshare! 😮
“The chase in the suicidal time-share transilvanian castle,” it’s starting to sound like an 80’s terror movie
Or are Mario Bros the bad ones with the ax, coming to kill us all at the Transylvanian Castle? Cordless, are you more Mario or Luigi?
I have never played Mario Bros! 😮
(*looks around awkwardly*)
I’m one of those rare nerds who has never played video games.
My nerdness tends to extend more to Science Fiction and Science Non-Fiction.
And music, and memorizing the lyrics to R.E.M. songs…
…. And winning at Scrabble.
I only played Mario Bros like 2x when I was a kid cuz a) I didn’t have a tv or nintendo system and b) I sucked at games involving a controller
I’ve got it!! Cordless, you’ll be the “pied-piper.” The “Wario Bros” are under your control through the eerie hypnotic music that you hold over them. They do your bidding and follow us to the timeshare castle, and one by one, SP’ers go missing.
HEY- I can write a “story” – The Adventures of SP: Book 1- Tale of the Transylvania Timeshare. I’ll provide the ideas / words / crazy themes (+ contributions from other SPers). Cordless can provide the music. Someone can do the artwork / doodles of our adventures to include in our musical picture book. Yes yes yes!
Hmm, I *actually* want to make a weird crazy SP book lol. Whadda say, SP’ers?
Here Cordless: this is a “scene” from a Mario Bros game. Apparently they also have an adventure in a castle. https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbZRY8PH12E
Cordless- you can be that Noxema Girl- Rebecca Gayheart in “Urban Legend” where she’s literally an axe murderer (or was that a shovel? she used to kill in one of her scenes) and she goes around “offing” people in the school, one by one, and NO ONE suspected it was her.
PLUS- you’ve got curly hair, just like her 😛
Yesss….let’s make an axe murderer story, shall we??
Noxema Girl?
I sort of have curly hair. It’s had a mind of its own throughout my life.
When I was kindergarten age, it was totally straight.
By the time I reached 6th grade, it was a poofy frizzy afro-like mess.
These days it’s a nice happy medium between the two.
Sort of gently wavy-curly.
If that’s good enough to land me the part of the Noxema girl, then ok!
Or an exorcism priest fighting an insane clown in the forest who is wearing antlers for no reason.
But yes!
Either way.
Hey, one question out of the subject, now that you talk about science-fiction and non fiction : do you know any book that without being of pure theory (more like a take or a novel) does talk about real science?
Not sure if I understand the question… you mean books that teach real science (instead of science fiction novels)…?
There’s some good Stephen Hawking stuff:
Or there’s also fun stuff that just answers odd questions:
More like Contact by Sagan
Or like Little brother of Doctorow…
Because Hawkins’ is science communication, but there is no a story with plot and metaphors.
I am thinking more like literature in It’s artisic expression.
I would appreciate any info…
This time I did notice the more acute part of the chorus coming over and over the victim at the end. And I liked the two ‘layers’ of the male and female voices at the back, and the instruments in the front, the organ.
So yes, I definitively like it.
Instrumentation list:
SATB choir (soprano, alto, tenor, bass)
Double Bass
I tried so many different combinations of instruments and threw out so many other attempts before I finally decided what I wanted.
I think what finally made me decide on this combination was listening to that Quake soundtrack someone posted. It really helped me get in the right mood.
🙂 well I did a good job,: I actually have a bad hearing because my ear is not trained (long story), and don’t know much about instruments, so I did notice several sounds but Hey, I am still learning 🙂
And I love cello, I have a thing for strings.
But I am also starting to see the clown now, (give me a few more rounds of listening to it, and I will get the double bass )
I have a thing for strings too! 🙂
I don’t play any, (unless harp counts), but I always loved the idea of having a guy who played the cello.
It’ll probably never happen, but that’s what dreams are for.
I really like this! I want in on the timeshare too :). I’m a big fan of modern composition
Welcome to Transylvania!
Have a nice stay, and please ignore any mysterious disappearances.
Cool. I’m not used to this sort of music, but it’s interesting.
It takes some getting used to, I realize. (!)
It took me a while to learn to appreciate such chaotic discordant stuff, and it was even longer before I felt comfortable writing it myself.
I don’t think it sounds like an ax murderer. There isn’t any crushed glass sound going on at all. I find it rather relaxing. Thank you for sharing, you are really talented.
Thought #1: I wish my composition/notation software had a crushed glass sound I could include!!
Thought #2: If you find this relaxing, your day-to-day life must be terrifying. (Suddenly I understand!)
Thought #3: Thank you. 🙂
FTR some days I find this relaxing.
Depends on my mood.
Thought #1b- composition software should include sound of screams 😛
Shattered glass
Also: clown’a laughter
Bear growling
Priest praying.
^_^ interesting
@hazy: I guess I can understand that. There are times when I find Metallica relaxing. Or Def Leppard. Or anything that remotely resembles them.
@bah: Absolutely!!!
@moneypenny: Yes! Great idea! Eventually I’ll have the whole neighborhood urging their children to stay away from the crazy lady! It’s a win-win situation!
Dude, this is epic. Love it. Thanks for sharing!
Yay! Thank you!
you know, I lead a pretty sedentary, non-exciting life, but I still think it’s a bit calming, not really axe-murdery. I’m not really familiar with this whole hotel transylvania thing you all are doing but I can definitely get the vibe of like a really luxurious but slightly creepy hotel from this. I guess sort of a video game feel too, but that’s more because the piano is electronic-y. maybe like one of those mystery-solver video games where you have to snoop around the huge, luxurious, and slightly creepy hotel for clues about a murder.
at any rate, I like this a lot, you’re really talented!
You can read about The Transylvania thing in the comments on this post:
I mentioned being an insomniac, which led to the topic of having “vampire hours”, which led to the topic of Dracula’s castle being up for sale in Romania/Transylvania (for real), and that led us to the fun idea that we’d make a time share out of it so we could all spend time there.
My favorite part is this:
Bah: “So, a timeshare with one million depressed suicidal people?”
Alan Ominous: “What could go wrong?”
(That part ALWAYS makes me laugh.)
😀 😀 😀
You must make video game music. Like I am begging you. This is like something out of Luigi’s Mansion.. in a way.
I wish I could make a video to go along with this…. Maybe I could write something.. idk
It’s really good!! 🙂
Thank you!
Every time I write music, I absolutely freak out to near panic-attack level when it comes time to share the finished product with other people.
I go absolutely stark-raving mad.
If nobody answers right away, I panic and worry that they all hated it and are just trying to be nice by not saying anything.
It happened earlier this evening: I originally posted this at 8pm, then fReAkEd OuT WhEn NOboDY hAd saID AnYThiNG aN hOUr LaTeR. PaNiCkeD so BaD I deLeTeD The POst aND haD To Re-pOSt tHe WHOLE THING aLL ovER aGaIn.
I was a mess.
I remind myself of Robin Williams during those moments; he once did an interview where he said he was so desperate to be loved and noticed and approved-of as a child (because he felt ignored and unappreciated a lot of the time), he said he grew up with a serious case of “PLEASE LOVE ME” syndrome. And he said that was why he became such an over-the-top comic. He said it in a way that was hilarious, of course, but I always remembered the grain of truth behind that.
I miss Robin Williams!
You almost have to be “damaged” in some way to become a star- it takes the obsessiveness and range of emotions that damaged people have to make a great actor or artist. Like how many “normal” people are in Hollywood? Most of them are partially/mostly crazy, but full of creativity, most do some sort of drugs or alcohol, most are emotionally unstable, most come from broken childhoods. Not all but A LOT. The ones with the “normal” backgrounds seem too boring lol.
Sadly true!
Jesus, i’m completely lost because i was out for hours, but since nobody did, Cordless, you have to give this a listen: youtube.com/watch?v=8J2ml-w66tk
Castlevania symphony of the night (videogame) soundtrack, one of my favorite videogames ever, and one of my favorite osts ever. Might not be your cup of tea but there’s beautiful tunes in between the dark parts.
hm, is it weird to say I actually like Cordless’ music better? 😛
maybe it’s the high pitched instrument thing there that i didn’t like in the castlevania symphony.
sounds like a fun videogame tho. artwork is cool.
I’m honored! 🙂
Not weird at all, but keep in mind that ost was done in the mid 90s, when it was a lot harder to actually make orchestral music without having an actual orchestra there. Sure, it could be done better nowadays, but for the time it was an amazing achievement, specially for a videogame. Plus, i do like guitars so… haha, there’s also that.
I like the intro… in fact, I would have liked to included a few of those pitch “swoops” in my piece, but couldn’t figure out if Finale was able to do that.
It then goes into electric guitar stuff, which is an instrument I’ve never been able to compose for. Not sure why. I love putting electric bass on some things (possibly because it reminds me of Mike Mills from R.E.M, who I daydream about often enough that he would probably issue a restraining order if he knew. Especially the way he looked around 2001-2003…)
Yes, neat music, and I can see a little resemblance in some ways. 🙂
Fun fact: I haven’t slept since Friday… it’s now officially Monday here, and I am still awake.
How long before I start hallucinating?
I’ve always wanted to try that.
I’m still willing to bring over the cheetos..we can watch a movie …
I’ll wait until April 1st.
Somehow I’ll manage to force myself to eat Pringles instead.
Unless you plan on doing a creative-snack-placement photo every month for the rest of the year….
You could make a calendar!
Just think of powdered-donut day!
ok.. I will do it.. what are exact ideas for powdered donut day?
you gonna bring over the cheetos you placed on your “Sportsnut”? lol
yep..that was the plan..
that’s a fun game.. that ring toss..
You sure you wanna come to Cordless’ home? She IS a self-admitted axe murderer after all. I suggest you take your “cheetos” and run far far away. Unless, of course, you bring bacon. Enough fried crispity crispy bacon to satiate her appetite. Otherwise, she gets real blood-thirsty. And then you’re doomed. -_-‘
lol..have you forgotten that we all are here to die.. I get to be with a beautiful lady and die..sounds like the perfect weekend plan..plus I was hoping she had bacon ..it is my fave too
oic…your last meal will be bacon, cheetos, with a side of extra bacon. you get to wine and dine with a chick, listening to her hauntingly beautiful music, as she silently and expertly lops off your head with an axe. Then uses your bright, fresh blood to create her blood artwork. When you see her quill pen on the table, it means your time has come. Mm… I think Cordless might be tempted. Tho she will want YOU to bring the bacon. Am I right Cordless?
For all you know, I have a moat filled with bear traps and piranhas…
and the sportsnutella..
@bah: Wow! That sounds almost like a Quentin Tarantino movie. That guy creeps the hell out of me.
(says the chick who just posted axe-murderer music)
The movie shall be called “Bacon ‘n’ Blood”
*cue the creepy muzac
@ cordless the moat is a risk I am willing to take
Wow, such a willing victim! You ARE the pied-piper after all!!
This definitely deserves creepy music.
P.S. Almost 3 in the morning! Monday! Still awake! Haven’t slept since Friday! Losing my mind! Purple gobblesnatcher fork dingos! Giblets! Potato zest with rectangles.
Oooh, then you’ll have to compose some “hallucination music.” That should be a fun piece 😛
If I ever post a piece of music called “The Powdered Donut Ring-Toss”, be very afraid.
You should compose an “I Luv Bacon!” song 🙂
Hm, what does a bacon song sound like? Sizzzzzling sound effects?
The sizzly bacon song!
I like this music…
I’m bringing Gauntlets of the Necromancer (i have no imagination – i got that from a game…)
I’m glad you like it!
Thank you for listening! 🙂
So are you going to be a willing victim too, like Sportsnut? 😛
Nah. NIIL is welcome anytime for cake and cookies and hot chocolate.
Sportsnut is the one who WANTS to cross the bear-trap and piranha filled moat.
NIIL will just knock nicely on the door. 🙂
sounds like a great way to go
and ironically I am the sweet one
You’re welcome too, by the way…. just keep in mind I’m still awake at almost 3:30 in the morning…. and… still… haven’t… slept…. since….. Friday.
If I start to see weird things, you two can keep me from jumping out the window.
LOL those will be one gross soggy cheetos
Or, you THREE, I guess. NIIL and bah and maybe-sportsnut-if-no-flossing-activities-are-involved.
I know, right?
Limpest. Cheetos. Ever.
And he’s probably already licked all the flavor off of them.
But we won’t know for sure until he posts the picture.
not sure if I am feeling the love here at all.. I offered to share my cheetos..who does that …and they are in a zip lock they won’t be soggy..
i told ya- ya need to bring da baaacon…
But they will be soggy after the piranhas rip a hole in the bag, and then all the water from the moat will get in there.
What’s humorous is that all this talk about cheetos IS REALLY MAKING ME WANT CHEETOS.
Maybe if I’m able to get some sleep tonight I’ll reward myself with one of those little cheap bags of them. They used to be 99 cents, but I think they’re like 1.49 now.
dang I guess I just give up… I was even going to serve them in a bacon bowl..
imagine if they made bacon flavored cheetos??
Come to think of it, I’m surprised they DON’T have more bacon-flavored crispy snacks out there.
There are more bacon flavored dog treats than there are people-treats.
that’s a lot of love for bacon and cheez
https: //www.google.com/search?q=bacon+flavored+cheetos&rlz=1C1KMOH_enUS509US509&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=677&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiw6tT_lq7LAhVDymMKHUGaCcUQsAQILw&dpr=1#imgrc=_
wacky snacky lol
I was in Vietnam once and had bacon flavored dog
I am definitely going shopping tomorrow.
Whether I get any sleep or not.
I’ll just be the weird bacon zombie lady driving on the highway.
Honk at me if it looks like I’m starting to doze off at the wheel.
@ cordless.. those are the bowls I was talking about
Wait, what?
Bacon flavored dog….?
“Fill it with salad for a low carb snack or dinner side” LOL
It’s like eating a big mac and ordering diet soda…
@bah.. I do that because I love diet soda
bacon flavored hotdog i assume. if you scroll to maybe 40% down at that cheetos link page, you’ll see a pic called bacon dogs (hotdogs)
It’s almost 4 in the morning, which means it will be breakfast time soon.
And you know what people eat for breakfast?
(*happy sounds*)
This “sleep” thing is WAY overrated.
hehe. i LUV breakfast food (eggs remember). wish more places would serve breakfast all day.
LOL… for some reason my reply went to moderation and I have no idea why.
Must have tripped the filters somehow!
Can’t find any offensive words in it, so I dunno! 😮
It was about how I used to hate it when people had breakfast food for dinner, but now I think it’s a lovely idea.
maybe the mods found it offensive you didn’t like the idea of breakfast all day!!
must be the bacon that tipped you over to the other side… 😉
i love breakfast food. i don’t see why it has to be served / eaten ONLY during a certain hour. makes no sense to me. eggs n bacon for breakfast, cool. eggs n bacon for lunch, cool. eggs n bacon for dinner, still cool! (just don’t eat it all day for every meal)
I mean, who hasn’t eaten cereal for lunch (or dinner when they’ve run out of food)? I loved eating cold leftover pizza for breakfast. back when i could have pizza. mm…
Well, this is interesting to find at 3:30 in the morning…
Wow, 108 comments. Telling ya Cordless, you ARE the pied-piper!! You’re gonna have to start writing mind-control music. Hm…if you could write music that controls people, what would you make people do? and whom??
Awesome question.
I would compel someone to build a fully-functioning time machine,
Then I would go back in time to about 2001-2003 and become the girlfriend of Mike Mills from R.E.M. (He was very cute then).
I would take guitar/bass lessons from Mike Mills,
and I would take soundtrack composition lessons from John Williams.
I would also get some famous big-city symphony orchestra to let me play in the french horn section, and I would have us perform Handel’s Water Music.
Wow, very specific. 😛
Thank you!
Didya have bacon for breakfast today? Still haven’t slept?
I slept all through breakfast and all through lunch and through most of dinner.
BUT when I finally woke up, I did have a BBQ chicken sandwich with bacon on it.