I was inspired to write a piano solo that captured a manic upswing filled with barely-containable energy.
I picture eyeballs darting everywhere, hardly able to focus for more than a few seconds at a time… and yet still trying.
I’m dedicating this one to Hazy.
I call it “Hyper Haze”.
Audio Player
Cordless, That is beautiful! and it does remind me of HAZY!! YOUR VERY SWEET.
I wrote it as a tribute to Hazy, and also as a way to distract myself from this lousy earache I’ve had all day long.
So I decided I’d spend a couple hours writing music.
Cordless, IT’S BEAUTIFUL, eye balls darting everywhere? , it’s just beautiful.
Ugh i love it!
That is beautiful.
@MissDysphoria and @Hazy and @rocketman: Thank you. 🙂
Wow. I love this. Thank you.
That’s beautiful, Cordless.
I like it. Its very nice. I really like listening to it.
Love it!
This was really great. I pictured like a corny funny little silent movie playing as the song rolled along…
Then I thought about Hazy frantically searching searching searching for things and we all wonder what’s going on, all to figure out that she’s going on a nice little picnic in the warm midday sun….
Thanks for sharing this 🙂
Love you both, Cordy and Hazy 🙂
@everyone: Thank you! I’ve been down with a migraine AND an earache all day long, and it was nice to wake up and see your comments.
I hope you started giving the migraine and ear ache a knockout punch…
LOL! For some reason, knockout punches only make them worse. 🙂