Like many other people have said, I’m not sure why I’m writing this. I guess just to get it out. I’m 39 years old and my life is such a mess. I’ve been married three times, and apparently no one can live with me. I have three kids whose lives I’ve probably ruined. They have a mom who loves them very much, but won’t have a dad. And I know all to well how that can affect your self esteem. I work and try to the best I can, but it just seems like I make things worse on everyone around me. My poor mom is about to have a nervous breakdowm because she is always worried about me. I just feel like I’ve made her life so much harder then it should have been. I am such a strain on everyone around me. I even sound like a whiny looser right now. Why can’t I be happy. Why can’t I do anything right. I’m a horrible mother and daughter. I’ve done nothing but complicate everyone’s lives. It would just be better for everyone around me if I weren’t here. I know they’d miss me at first, but in the long run they’d be better off. Anyway, I know I don’t have it nearly as bad as other people, so I shouldn’t be feeling like this. That just goes to show what a loser I am.
you’re not a loser. you’re still alive so you still have a chance.
why do you feel so bad about yourself? please talk to me. i really think that i can help you. please just talk to me more.
my email is and my AIM screen name is k3tk3tk3t. i’m not any sort of doctor, i’m actually 22 years younger than you, but i’ve given strength by God to be a strong person. He hasn’t given me an easy life, He doesn’t do that. He gives strength to make it through this world. He gives faith to anyone who asks for it.
please talk to me. i’m here to help, but i only can if you let me.
This makes me so sad. I am a 30 year old female and mother of four small childeren. On March 14th of this year my husband of 12 years committed suicide. I have to tell you now that killing yourself is not going to makes things better for your family, it is actually going to make things worse. I am on the opposite side of the fence, I was the one left here to raise our childeren and I can tell you now that this is not the answer. Please think of your family and friends before you do this. God has put you on this earth for a very important purpose and you have to make sure that you follow his plan for you. All this talk of killing your self comes only from one place satan. If you are not in control and God is not in control (he would never want you to hurt yourself) there is only one other person in control and that is the evil one. Please tell Satan to get behinde you and be strong, do it for yourself, do it for your family and do it for God. I know you have the strength to do it, God gave us each that gift, it is up to you to use it. Please if you need to talk to someone I wil be here. My e-mail is
I guess only 3 things can happen:
1 – You die. Your kids will be homeless or stuck with your mother who WILL probably BE CRAZY by then. Your kids are going to suffer.
2- You live but you don’t help yourself. Your kids will hate you. Your kids will suffer for it too.
3- You live, fix yourself up. Try to improve, talk to someone, maybe take some medication. If you do improve, your kids will learn to understand you better. They’ll see your effort. They’ll understand.
Don’t worry. I’m not a preacher. In fact i’m atheist. If you really wanna die, I can probably help you find some methods out there. It’s your choice.
If you want to talk, just click on my name and join my club. I’m Monster Hunter on there.