it’s evident because I am 30 years old and still live with my parents.. even though I am a female, that doesn’t make it any better… I have been diagnosed as bipolar 2 and I am on social security.. That makes me a complete and utter leech on life’s resources.. I hear the eugenecists want to kill me because I cost them money and am a useless eater and unfortunately, I can see where they are coming from… I once loved and lost because the guy realized what a loser I really am and he kicked me to the curb after using me for sex… A job would make me feel better about myself, but I can’t stay sane or keep the extreme anxiety at bay long enough to keep one… I don’t believe in suicide, so I wish some drunk driver would just get it over with for me…
i know a lot of people who has been diagnosed with bipolar. some of them realize and take med for it. it really helps the ones who do take it. and it helps the people around them to get along with. your story seems a lot like my biological dad. he got a job though and is alright. he is self-centered but he has a gf now so he is good to her. you should see about the med, i think. it would proly help you get a job that you could keep. and it would be good if you did. im not telling you what to do or anything at all!!
i dont know if i helped or anything, but i thought i needed to say something.
have a great day 🙂
A good friend of mine is type I bipolar and has severe anxiety attacks. Its a hard life…but you don’t deserve to be extinguished in any way. If you want to talk to me, I’d love to listen. Email:
yo, u tryin to tell me a person’s importance measured by where they live, how much money they make, or how much help they are?? That is sooo wrong. Bipolar is hard. And the stupid eugenecists should no that. The people who expressed the want to kill you…Oh I hope karma hits em hard. God people like that are people who shouldn’t exsist. Hell, anywyas, sry, don’t get put down by people who don’t konw you. I mean think of it this way, Jesus had no money, made no moeny, had barely a place to live and he’s been worshipped by many people for how many years? A lot. And if u’re not religious, Mother teresa had not money no place to live but she got the noble peace prize. A person’s worth is measured by what they do. you feeling this guilty about u’re exsistence prooves what a good person u are. Jobs are hard to keep for u and that’s not ur fault. It’s not like u asked to be bipolar. u are not worthless. I bet u make ur parents happy, and u help whenever u can, and that’s th way to live cause too many people in this world that are better off than us are idiots. ttly??
Dear Extinguished:
I’m a Biopolar 2 who was once living on my dad’s charity, because the illness hit pretty hard, and I couldn’t work for while.
But eventually medication and treatment kicked in, and I went back to work.
If you are on Social Security disability, accept the illness, and think about what you might want to do with your life.
Far from deserving to be extinguished, bipolar patients are unusually intelligent and creative — we’ve produced far more writers, artists, spiritual leaders, etc. than any other population group.
You may want to have a look at Kay Redfield Jamison’s book, “Touched By Fire: Manic-Depression and the Arts” about famous writers, musicians, poets, etc. who were bipolar.
So if you have bipolar disorder, you may also have undeveloped talents. The illness brings gifts. What are yours?
Can you write? Create a website? Help other bipolar patients?
Consider joining a bipolar patients support group online or in your local area. You would soon see we are a talented and warm-hearted group of people, worthy of respect.
You must have a purpose in life, because God made no mistakes.
Struggling To Survive (been there)
First of all, social security is there for all of us because we all contribute including yourself. So you use as much social security as you want, you can have my portion. That goes for Welfare. We all pay for it. It’s too bad we all can’t enjoy not working for a little while since you’ve contributed to it. Don’t sweat those things because your life could be a lot more complicated (I know that sounds cliche but true.) I guess you could have kids which would drive up your complication level a bit. Stick around for a while and see what happens. Be patient and let time do some of the healing. Time has healed a few (not all) of my problems. If you were to ask me 5 years ago if I was going to have 3 kids and live back in my hometown while working from home as a drafter for an awesome company, I would probably laugh because at that time (1 year after i got married) I was going through a really hard time after losing my job. Give it a few years and you may think back while sitting in a coffee shop getting ready for your day giving plane tours through Yellowstone in Wyoming wondering why you posted to a suicide forum at all. I guess I have no right to give you any advice since I’m in the same boat as you but, whatever. Smell ya later and I hope you know we all love you.
No you don’t deserve to die, at least you deserve to live a good life but we all know mental ilness is a curse. About the social feel guilty? seriously? Are you one of the rich fatcats employing children in india ? No you are barely getting around and i really doubt you are a materialistic whore like many on this planet.
You don’t believe in suicide probably because the actions you cause will have an effect on your parents causing more suffering. I can understand, the only advice i can give is :”Lady Death comes for all” stop feeling sorry for yourself,let it go and just be yourself.