Im only 16 but things are already at an extreme low. It started when my parents unexpectedly divorced when i was ten. my dad left, we had to move out because my mom couldnt afford the rent, I was inbetween my parents who would tell me each others deep dark secrets about the other parent to make me think worse of them. My dad told me my mum was a slut and that he didnt even no if i was his. I couldnt look at her the same and moved in with my dad for a year. My dad got depressed and got married to an equaly depressed alchoholic who actually hated my guts and turned my dad against me. When I was 13 I started getting badly bullied at school. I thought i was fat and weird because I fancied boys and girls and would make myself throw up, Id slit my wrists. When I was 14 I took alot of painkillers to try and kill myself. I changed my mind and vomitted them up. Now my parents cant afford the school fees so they sent me to a new school- losing all my friends at the other school. But i just got my test results back and i didnt get in by a few marks. School starts in a week and i have no-where to go, my parents hate me for not getting in and my friends have all left me behind. Nobody nos any of this except one friend who saw the scars on my arm but were no longer friends now anyway. I feel really lonely and I really dont want to be around anymore. I feel like i have nothing to go on for. I dont want to die but i see no other choice.
Hey is very precious. i can understand what you must be going through…but its just a phase..i’m sure got must have something beautiful for just have to be patient and wait for that special gift God has kept for you…its on its way..just optimistic.
Life is full of just have to look are not alone.
God bless you.
i feel terribly sorry for what you’ve been through..
keep holding on dear!
you have my support.
how heart-breaking, your parents don’t even care about finding a school for you
it’s their responsibility you’re so young…
pls seek help from your other close relatives,
so that they could help you to find a school and stuffs..
when you could work, after a few years, then you could repay them
then you could live your own life.
fingers crossed for you~
It shows you that life is an accident. A simple drunken night that your parents had produced you. My parents did the same thing. I’m here by accident but I am 29.