If I could just make some progress on my bills. I’m an homest man I never stiff anyone, but since I lost my job two years ago I’ve had to live on a small pension, (thank God for that) and I just slip farther behind. I’m 55. I’ll never be able to pay them off. I hide the hurt from everyone but sometimes it comes back so badly that it’s almost unbearable. I never, ever,  thought that at this stage of my life when I should be looking forward to my “golden years”, I’m instead living in a rented apartment, struggling to get by, with bill collectore hounding me, suing me, I mean so they sue me and win? Big deal! They still won’t get any money because I-DON’T-HAVE-IT ! What part of that don’t they get? No matter what they threaten me with or what kind of deal they want to make, I don’t have the money! They push me to the brink!
I have the same issue with bill collectors. I’ve had to close off the part of my brain that “cares” just to put up with constant phone calls.and that’s not easy for me to do. Just letting u know your not the only one.
Dear Friend:
You are not alone. Especially in this economy, you have much company, especially among people 50 and over.
You are a good, decent person who is deeply saddened and humiliated because of financial problems that have temporarily overwhelmed you.
Sometimes, in that situation, when one’s finances are bad, and collectors are calling, suicide seems like an option, but there is a better way.
I would like to recommend a resource. It is a cheap paperback book by Jerrold Mundis, “How To Get Out of Debt and Stay Out of Debt.” It is written for people who are down to their last dime.
You can find it on Amazon.com
It also outlines very simple legal and personal strategies to get creditors off your back in an ethical way.
It is a very kind, basic book, that I found enormously helpful.
Another resource, which is free, is Debtors Anonymous. These are groups composed of people just like yourself, who are struggling with your exact problems. The groups are free, and can be found on the internet.
Also consider looking for a debtor’s support group on the internet.
Remember, you personally are worth far more than your finances. You are a human being, precious in the eyes of the Divine. Each day do something positive for yourself, and try to do some small positive act for someone else, if possible.
You are concerned because your life, as you currently see it, has turned out in a way that you do not like, but consider that as long as you are alive, there are ways for you to turn the situation around.
Many blessings for a happier and more prosperous and calmer future,
Struggling to Survive (been there)