I haven’t written here in a long time but I think I might need help. When I started to write I either wanted to feel something or wanted to stop feeling all together. But this time I don’t know whether if I want to feel something or nothing at all. On one hand I want to go back to cutting to see what’s real but on the other hand I’m so terrified that I keep having a nightmare that I end up almost die. So I don’t know how to feel. As well I have no one here to talk to or even understand why I’m so messed up.
Kieylee? I’m here for you. I’m on Yahoo, and please feel free to email me, okay? I’m not a cutter, if you’re wondering. But I know what it’s like to hurt myself to see if I still feel… like that damn song. Ugh. Anyway, I’m here. We all are. You’re so not alone.
Don’t if your still on this site but if its ok with you I would like to talk again.
I know what it is like to cut Miss. It does bring back the feeling, but pain isn’t all we feel in this world. Sure, we feel alot of it, but we feel some good too. I used to cut severely. At one point I became a race cutter, losing my mind and slicing my left arm open over 200 times at a time. Razors were hidden in 3 places in my room. I would do it binge style. All the feelings would rush and I would feel them coming out while I myself was lost in my own mind. They would find me and tie me up tormenting me. Cutting won’t help in the long run and it is easy to miss whilst doing it and seriously injuring yourself. I don’t know what else to say other than maybe try something new. You don’t know if you want to feel or not, my advice, feel, but not through pain. Spend a day out in the woods and relax. Just sit and look at how beautiful everything is. The life of a plant, the life of the trees, the animals, and everything around you. Imagine how 200 years ago, a goat might have stepped on the very stones you are looking at. Just relax and let yourself go and think for a few hours and realize to risk hurting yourself isn’t worth whatever life you live. No matter how hard, or how harsh. Just breathe the air of the forest and become one with it, drift with your mind looking at the surroundings from different angles, Just relax. I hope this helps you Ma’am. Sorry for the delayed response… I’ve been… Well out of touch.