I hAte my life. No one ever tries to listen and I feel worthless. I hVe nger problems and maybe depression and bi-polar. My mom tries to make it work between us but it always goes wrong. We fight everyday. She never Gets me help with my anger. Everyone gates me and can’t stand to be around me. I’m not trying to make them hate me I’m not saying mean things. I’m just being me. No one ever listens or even tries. The next gun I see im going to shoot myself in the heart or brAin! Which ones faster? My dad never wanted me. My parents didn’t even plan for me. I’m the middle child too. My dad told my mom he didn’t wAnt me before I was born. and to get an abortion. I have no reason to live. Everything I do I seem to ruin it.
Sorry for the spelling
Please don’t do this. We want you here. Please get help from a counselor at school. We’ll listen to you.
Call a hotline… trust me the school counselors do less than nothing. They’re just kinda there to call the cops and ACS. Maybe you need to take some time off from your mom… find a place to stay for a week or so and get away from your mom and your surroundings
live for you. if your father or anyone treats you like an unwanted burden, that is a burden on YOU. But you have to stop seeing yourself through the eyes of unloving others. Love yourself, get the help you deserve.