Last night i attempted to kill my self  again. I’ve been so sad lately and im lonely and want to die. so i took a bunch of one of my meds then a handful of this a handful of that . after telling my brother and mom i threw up and now i just feel tired. Something hit me last night , i don’t want to die like this. I don’t want to die  because im afraid of why may come my way.  When i die i want to be happy , don’t let depression get the best of you.
That is a brilliant post!!! From that experience you expressed that we are either motivated by love or fear, and the fear taught you to go the other way. That’s huge.
The truth is, we think we want to die…we just want to feel well and good. The irony that most do not understand is that one is more likely to go when they are moving in the direction of self-love…death is not death….we need to change the word…it’s a transition.
Being in a human body is…oy, very challenging and being released into the non-physical is relief and release. So that’s the way, and the focus to have. I understand having had a pretty negative attitude that going in the other direction is the way… All transitioning is a form of suicide…it’s the soul’s decision to say…”Okay, we’re done, here….and it’s a natural occurrence no matter how it happens. Death does not exist, people best be saying please release me or I want to live in a better way. No one can resist the flow of the universe…best to co-operate and find out the laws and how to learn and grow within the universal system so as to come benefiting and seeing it all as a worthwhile experience. It’s everyone’s choice. Thanks for sharing that. That’s so amazing. I had a similar epiphany. You’re awesome!
Seek out happiness withing yourself and things that supplement it.
Happiness does not lead to one wanting to die.
Other things do.
Hopefully circumstances and your own determination lead you to be happy.