i am 15 years old and living in ireland my story begins when i was only a todler mabye 2 years old growing up with my weed smoking dad he had serious anger problems and because of this he scared me for life im not able to go to school and be with teachers who shout because i only break down in tears and because of this every 1 at school laughs at me meaning that i have no friends 13 years later and still have no friends i have also discovered that i have epolepsy as i am always shaking i cant go to a therapest because im afraid of people my grads at school are terrible 9% at maths 19% at history and 34% at geography i try so hard to study but with my bulling horror and my weed smoking dad i am too depressed to study so in the end it doesnt even matter i am a linkn park fan as you can see i also like evenessence my favourite song from her is bring me to life which is a very gothic song about life amung the dead because of this i wonder what will happen when i die will i be a ghost walking around a graveyard? of will i be able to start new in another life? and this is what has drove me to suicide
Hi, im 15 also. I’m sorry you are having such a hard time. I know it can be really hard to focus on school and care about studying, im having that problem too. Just try your best, that is all you can do. School is not everything. If you ever want to talk, you can email me. I’m always open to listening.
sure ok whats ur adress?
James, im sorry to hear this. I would however suggest going to see a good GP and telling him your story and asking for help.
My friend, if your father has let you down with bad parenting and examples, don’t let yourself down. It wont be an easy road back to recovery but you can do it if you are prepared to put some effort in my friend.
If you ever need to chat my email is – add my nicname here to 389@gmail.com.
Take care and stay well in the meantime.
James, im sorry to hear this. I would however suggest going to see a good GP and telling him your story and asking for help.
My friend, if your father has let you down with bad parenting and examples, don’t let yourself down. It wont be an easy road back to recovery but you can do it if you are prepared to put some effort in my friend.
If you ever need to chat my email is – add my nicname here to 389@gmail
Take care and stay well in the meantime.
It’s blushingbirdy@gmail.com
Blushingbirdy (and add that to) gmail.com
Dealing with the effects of a parent who is on drugs is always hard. No matter what anyone else says, if they haven’t experiences the psychological effects from that sort of abuse, they will never be able to relate to how you’re feeling. That’s a tough age to be going through all of this at, one of the most crucial ages in development, actually. I am a huge fan of Evenesence too, and Bring Me To Life, it’s actually a fact that the lead guitarist Ben Moody had said that “Bring Me To Life is about discovering something or someone that awakens a feeling inside them that they’ve never had before. You discover there is a world that is bigger than just your safe bubble.” So there is references to the dead, but it’s more of a methaphorical thing, meaning, they’re comparing someone’s internal safe bubble as being dead to the world, because, until you’re released to the outside world, and can experience it, you have not lived yet. It’s really interesting, if you think about it. In times like these, when you’re dealing with so many hard things, and aspects of your life feel as if they will never be good again, that’s when you need someone to talk to the most. Someone to be able to vent about your daily ups and downs, and someone who will be there for you whenever you need them. I am here for you, and I will be here if you ever need someone to talk to, no matter what time of the night/morning/afternoon it is, just drop me an email and we will definitely chat. Best wishes to you, and take care. My email is amanda_paris333@hotmail.com
i will try my best thank u 🙂
hello, im also 15. im in a place a lot like yours. my mother is a drugy and i know how that can be like. its hard. good friends have always been hard for me to find so if you like we can start to email mine is -bogettecovarrubias at yahoo dot com. feel free