About three months ago, my girlfriend and I broke up and I miss her so much. I miss the times we had together and the dreams that we shared for our future. Now it’s all gone. I don’t want to go on anymore. I’m putting some of my affairs in order today, writing a letter, and going to do it. A lot of alcohol, some sleeping pills and Xanax, and finally, a plastic bag over my head before I pass out.
Please know that no one here has the capacity to stop you from doing this. I mean I am sure you are not looking for us to do that but just in case. If you want help in anyway please look for a suicide hotline. I am sorry you feel you have to leave this way. YOu sound young and trust me if you hang on one day you will find that you no longer even think of this girl. You may find someone else etc. I know that doesn’t sound possible right now but it is.
Thanks uttilini,
Unfortunately, I am not young. I feel like I was given a gift when my ex and I found each other. Somehow, we both messed it up. She is used to being in relationships—sort of a serial monogamist if you will. I, on the other hand, am not. So, as she moves on, I have grown more introverted and don’t even want to leave my apartment anymore. Thank you for your kind words.
I feel the same way. Someone important left my life and since I have only grown more and more introverted, isolated and depressed. What fun huh?
It’s an f’ing blast.
If it makes you fell any better…my wife of 25 years left me for my best friend of over 20 years. 😀