I went back to school today, it was the worst couple of hours ever! Was hoping for a fresh start but kept getting dirty looks from people. I feel insecure as it is. I can’t stand the way I am. I hate myself I don’t need someone else to tell me what a fuck up I am. Thought I would have a fresh start with people I considered friends instead I was greeted with a “fuck you!” and someone else shaking their head at me. The thought that kept running through my mind was ‘what am I doing here? Why didn’t I just end it all when I had the chance? I can’t go on any longer’ I know I won’t make it much longer and I know most people don’t care how or what I’m feeling, I guess this is another one of my rants that falls on deaf ears.
I’m sorry. People are so cruel and fucked up. You are not a fuck ip. You are wonderful and amazing. Try not to let the souless fucktards get you down. Much love to you!
All I can say is if someone has the nerve to say f u then apparently they are the ones that have a problem..not you. Look up..not down. What I see is that whenever something bad happens then there will be better things down the road. Listen to your heart and believe in yourself.
You shouldn’t let those people bring you down. They’re really stupid and fucked up. And making a fresh start is never easy but I think that you shouldn’t give up so soon. It just takes some time.
I feel ya, but you’re making assumptions about people that isn’t helping your own outlook or state of being. All that is important is I accept and love me! As a result I’m able to be cool with people. If others are outright rude or whatever why do you pay attention to it or leave yourself open to that. Is that kind of treatment worthy of the great person you are?
Are your thoughts worthy of you….methinks it best to reorganize some of your thinking.
Tell yourself you’re a f-up…you’ll attract more of it into your experience. So it behooves you to clean up your thoughts and your self-talk. Guarantee you’ll experience an improvement when you ‘decide’ and intend for things to be a certain way in your experience. Good luck, you’re absolutely worthy and worth it. Everyone, and every plant, animal, being on this planet is of value even if it’s beyond our immediate understanding. Give yourself a big hug…you deserve it. Good vibes to you!