Why do I still try? Everything I do is wrong, nothing is right! I hate my life, everyday I think god why am I still here! I would rather give my life to someone who deserves it, not me! I try following what my heart wants, I try thinking happy thoughts! That doesnt work :/ Why should I keep trying, no one cares about me! I think to my self, why was I ever born, why must I live the life I live! where I am depressed! Only one person makes me feel like I am special! He loves me and I love him! Sometimes I sit and think, why must I keep this life going on, if I just keep getting hurt by people, keep being bullied, losing bros and sis, losing me and who I was before! I dont know who I am now because all I see when I look in the mirror is a no one! I am nothing in this world, never was and never will be! </33
people do care. and people do love you. you just don’t realize it. you are here for a reason. whether or not you want to be. it’s best to live it out to see what happens.. think about all the people who have been there to help you. but maybe that one night the person couldn’t be there who really wanted to because they couldn’t deal with the stress. but they feel bad. and they love you. sooo much<3
Everybody goes through this type of shit. It sucks. It really sucks. I don’t know you, but I hope you don’t hurt yourself. Trust me, whatever it is, it will pass. Just hold on.
I have been trying and trying! I don’t know how much longer I can take! I start giving up! I have cut my self and stopped eating! I have never been like this and now my whole life is turned around! I love some of my closest friends but with others I get in return to help others then helping me and all I get is bitching! I hate my life! I have never liked it! :(((
Hmm … hey “me18”
may i ask what kind of issues you are having and can i offer any advice/help?
It’s true some people arent so nice … but are you really going to let them effect your life rather then the good people?
Dont ever think no one ever cares about you. I bet your are a wonderful person but maybe around not great people… thats not your fault thats theirs not yours ….
If you persever “i bet” thinkgs can chnage around for the better for you.
Life is not fair but if we are stronger, it becomes better.
excuse my typing ….