I am a Schizophrenic Depressed Sociopathic Psychotic Hateful Hated person, i feel like nothing good has happened to me in almost a year and i am lossing hope every day i sit in my kitchen with a knife shaking and crying i have no idea what to do other than the obvious. my therapist is an idiot my school is full of people with an IQ equivalent to their shoe size and all that is good in my life is my kitty but the suicidalism is still seeping through and is getting worse and worse and worse and i dont know how much longer i can hold on..
What issues are you having that you feel so suicidal about?
What is truly wrong?
What is missing and what could you have that would give you some ease to your suffering?
Your story is short, but it says a lot. Even though things are tough you can still hold on. This website is like thousands of hands, and those hands hold us up, until we are ready to let go and fall. Which is suicide. I have a strong fear of falling and I’d rather stay in the warmth and safeness of those hands. Just know that we are your friends, and we are holding on to you. If you ever want to talk email me.
You should email me… we can talk… emmabean97@yahoo.com
well U.N. Owen if you are familliar with any of those disorders i mentioned you would know that they fuck everything to do with everything up