I’m in a very desperate position. I want to kill myself someone please help me, I have no one to talk to. I wear this mask to hide my pain but as a result no one knows me and I feel so alone all the time, I have no one. My parents are well were abusive drunks but now since I’m old enough to protect myself they think they can but my love with shiny objects. I hate them, I hate most people, and I’m filled with pain and confusion. I cut my self daily I’m an alcoholic and I’m only 17 years old. I don’t know what to do with myself.
u have us…
dont hate them, try to forgive them, you said that they were drunks so u can relate to that being on too…
stop drinking…
forgive yourself…
why dont you listen some relaxation music that always helps or take a walk to clear your mind
I’m sorry to hear that. It sounds as if you’re going through a tough time. If you want to talk to me, feel free to email me at farmerstrong13@hotmail.com. It’d be such an honor to talk to you.
we here to talk, nd listen, Im borderline alcoholic, nd self harm too and so are so many of us (sadly) so we can relate, at least partially if you let us
i am glad we have this technological age where we can share their experiences. i find it hard to communicate with people. i don’t understand what it is to be part of humanity anymore. i know that may sound like complete hyperbole but its just what i feel on a day to day basis. i have a very difficult living situation and i have very few people to speak with, i’m glad i found this website and these people, all of you that care enough about their fellow man to try.
its easier to open up with the level of aninimity given by the internet, in a way its more helpfull than face to face in my opinion
Hello Pluto,
Sorry if that is not your name….hard to make out through the title of the post. I am 50 years old…but have full memory of my life…more now than ever…the result of my last failed suicide attempt…but I can relate on most issues unfortunately…I was a total victim for the first 40 years of my life…recovering alcoholic…over 20 years without the drink….now I have a new addiction….but it is medically sanctioned here…sooo…when I read your post….I got this mental picture…holdon…this might just be my fantasy….to run away and need nothing for months on end…solitude…peace…contentment…me I like the shack in the woods fantasy…others like the deserted island….some like the cave fantasy…others the sea faring fantasy….which one is yours?
See they used to have monasteries and nunneries for the likes of us….lmao….because we need alot of solitude and protection from the world…sensitive is a hard way to be…intelligent…even worse…but it is your lot in life.
Sometimes all any of us need is a break from our own reality and responsibility for a while…but how to get it in this crazy linked up wired up world….sigh….I am old enough to remember when it was not like this….sigh
Have you thought about youth groups….rehab….job corp….what have you been thinking about besides ending it?….cuz we don’t even know if we can really end it…now do we?….so instead of possibly making things worse for yourself….i did….maybe you should change your focus….what needs of yours aren’t getting met and how to get them met….makes more sense to me….I don’t think we get away from our thoughts even after we leave our bodies…and to me that would be a real hell…. what do you think will happen if you actually are allowed to comitt suicide? Seems to me like no one knows….and me I like a sure bet…
Let me know if you would like to talk to this nosy old woman…lol
Amakua…so cool you half century+ wize woman.
I am inspired by all the posts to you Pluto660 and glad you are feeling the community here.
Cutting can release endorphins but so can love and at least the scars are mostly invisible and healable with love.
I used to punch myself in the head with my fists until one day I realized that I was sort of enacting the abuse of my abusers for a reason or rather for a feeling. After they would abuse me there would be hours of peace where I would at least be left alone and I realized that bashing myself was like ritual, some primitive part of my brain was saying ‘apply pain and solitude fill follow’ Like smelling a roasting turkey and thinking of thanksgiving…just a rapid fire instinctual association that happened so fast I’d not thought of it. Course hitting myself in the head may have just made my brain slow enough to listen to itself think duh this hurts. 🙂
i just really don’t know what to do with my self. I feel its not just that i’m sad i feel that there is something more to my depression. some days i’m fine while others i am suicidal. i have tried to take a positive out look on life i have tried to be someone, something that i’m not, but its never worked. i just feel so alone, so isolated from everyone.