My life has been hard, I mean a life of abuse and neglect really messes with a person. But it’s not my life that I hate and want to end its me it’s my brain, I’ve been diagnosed with depression, eating disorders & anxiety. I self harm a lot. Anyway my head will never shutup it’s like I have a voice in my head telling me to give up telling me I’m fat and ugly and pointless and worthless. You see it’s not my life or even the people in it that I want to get away from, it’s myself I can’t live with myself.. I hate myself more then I could hate anything else in this world, I discgust myself I make myself want to kill me & I have moments were ill do stuff and then it’s like I wake up and I don’t remember anything. I’m only 14 but I can’t live with myself anymore.
You are still very young and that’s A VERY GOOD THING, take advantage of that please before things get deeper down. What I’m saying is you must take action now ok! =)
You’re listening right??? =)
Ok you have to attempt to do ‘ SOMETHING,’ somekind of activity that will build you up and give you self-esteem and confidence, and make you STRONGER and ENPOWER YOU! =)
How about like … those fitness and strenght conditioning classes at the gym? Or maybe joining a soccer or basketball or baseball team? Or maybe taking swimming lessons or ballet?????
Iono whatever you do, TAKE ACTION NOW MY FRIEND =)
I care for you and I love you.
Just do it 😉
I can relate to how you feel. I’m not so much bothered by how other people see me, yes it hurts that there are certain people in my life who have decided I’m not good enough for them, but the worst thing of all is how I feel about myself. I get tired of being me too. You’re younger than me though, and we both have time to try to change if we want to. I can’t even remember what I was like at 14 lol but I’m sure I’ve changed a lot. I’ve heard this before: just imagine what type of person you would really like to be, and start acting like you think they would, even if you aren’t there yet. If you wish you were healthier, then ask yourself what someone like that would do, wake up and make a healthy breakfast and make healthier choices for yourself. If there’s things you want to learn or an instrument you want to play, start doing it. But at the same time we have to try to like ourselves the way we are now. I hope you won’t give up. It’s important that we don’t always look for other people to tell us that we are good or worthy of love, we have to learn to love ourselves.
Thinking suicide is the basic reaction of not having coping skills. And at 14 you should not have that many as they are not really required as yet.
Unfortunately, some need those skills before others and not having the skills makes us think some pretty sad (suicidal) thoughts.
Remember that old saying “life is not fair”? Well, it’s true. And the only thing that is going to get you thru all that are coping skills.
Coping skills come with time and life experiences. I’m sorry you need them so young, but the challenges your facing today will always be there, just in different forms.
And as for that voice in your head…that is your worse enemy. We all have the voice. Slap him down and tell him to shut up. Listen to your heart instead.