I’ve done all my preparation; house is in foreclosure, no job, no family, absolutely no friends, chronic health issues, I’m on 5 prescription meds, I’ve got a loaded 12 gauge shotgun, nothing but an old dog to leave behind. I need help pulling the trigger, it must happen, I’m done!
do what u have to do i support u… but i will say that circumstanses dont matter your thoughts matter u matter… good luck
I wish I had a gun. I’m gonna go with hanging. What kind of health issues do you have?You can fix the rest, though, if you wanna go on living. If all is lost, why not go overseas? Try teaching English in Thailand or somethig different like that. I want to kill myself over shame/honour/pride. It may sound simpler, but it’s not. No house, job, family or friends is really tough, but it can change. You have nothing to lose. That’s freedom! At least according to Janis Joplin as someone mentioned. I’d go nuts till something killed me.
well I didn’t give you all the background. No freind, because I was a really asshole, no family cause they died, lost job for being a looser. i’ve done a royal job at screwing up, i hate myself, where ever i go hide.
Assholes are really just fragile people. Insecure. It’s a very common mistake. Being nice is a lot easier and more satisfying. How old are you? The job thing can change quickly, especially these days. The house thing sucks, but you’re a victim of this giant messed up ponzi scheme they call capitalism these days. I wanna kill myself too, but I don’t really hate myself. I, too, did a major job at screwing up, but fuck it. If you’re gonna kill yourself, you might as well be at peace. It sounds like you have some wiggle room. Go bananas till you die. Get some weird jobs, try different things. There’s nobody around you to judge you. I’m not a US citizen. For whatever reason that’s a great passport to travel on. You could live for a year in some countries on what you spend there in a couple of months. At least go out with a bang before the real bang.
be my tour guide!
Unfortunately we sometimes end up too far away from home that we can never find our way back again, even our bodies tire and pack in eventually, by disease or by the inevitable father time .. i personally believe that suicide is an alternative i even celebrate the notion, i believe in self respect & dignity, suicide was even celebrated in antiquity, it was normal & excepted especially for the Romans, who even had an arrangement with the emperor upon their honourable suicide that their remaining families will be looked after. & what about Death before dishonour
Sepaku for the samurai,
Even if you have made your mind up nothing else really matters anymore now does it.
so like Qwerty said you seem to have some wiggle room, you never know what you may find from here on in, you will be surprised of what you may find within yourself as well as out there while you travel along the final path to eternal freedom, you may even find a reason to live.
” Sepaku ~ The shamed kneel down and thrust their swords (live and die by the sword) into their abdomen…pulling it upwards into their chests and spilling their intestines. Honour is regained by facing death without fear, without flinching or making a sound…but just in case you do, there is a swift deliverance from your suffering via decapitation from the merciful spectator behind you. And alas…death before dishonor.”
A 12 gauge shotgun, huh.
One afternoon there was a man, a few years ago, he stepped out of his home, which was situated across the general store. There were children playing outside. Low traffic. It was winter. He had his gun, and he stood there – Bang! He blew his head off. Then began the chaos of horrified children, neighbors, bystanders, police.
I don’t know how you’d be able to muster the courage to pull the trigger. I guess you just do it. Like pulling a tooth out. Bad example, I know. If you’re an adrenaline junkie it probably would be easier. Not sure.