This is my first time posting lol.. So..Thursday I brought alcohol to school & my “friends” snitched on me. They also snitched on how I was planning on getting high on Friday night & how I cut myself..There’s soo many things I could say as to why I think “my life sucks” but there’s no use;p Keep in mind I’m only 14 lmao..but anyone wanna talk?
Hi,welcome to the site.:) I’m 19,ugh,I wouldn’t go back to highschool for anything. I’m sorry it’s so hard,but I’m living proof,you’ll get through it and things can get better. I know it sucks when friends betray us,but sometimes in situations like this they do it because they love you and they believe they’re helping you in some way. it sounds like they have your best interests at heart and are worried about you. If I had a friend who didn’t try to help me when I was struggling,in my opinion,that would be someone who didn’t care,or,that’s how I feel anyway. do you see what i mean? the fact that they are trying to help you shows that they care. hang in there.
Thank you. I understand they were trying to help, but I kind of wish they hadn’t gotten involved. I had actually been stopping the cutting, with the help of my boyfriend who currently isn’t speaking to me..which makes it so much harder.
sure. i’ll talk!
oh. my. gush. enough with the moderation!
i know…sometimes people can do the most damage with the best intentions. I hope things get better,and i’m proud of you for trying to quit cutting! you deserve to feel better. i’m sorry about your bf. I hope he comes around.
@babypanda umm..what lol..?
Thank you a lot btw(:
@LMAOiCutMyself – Sometimes comments have to be approved before being posted. For some reason, it seems like a decent amount of comments are going into the moderation queue (holding area) today/tonight…. That’s what babypanda was referring to.
i’ve never struggled with cutting myself,but my friend did,and i know a lot of people on here have to. I bet they could help you through it too. my friend said the icecube trick used to help her,and snapping a rubberband too. some people even draw on themselves to help overcome the friend used a red marker. it sounds kind of strange,but i’m for whatever helped her get through it. but just getting your emotions out in a healthy way somehow. journaling,running,or posting on here. maybe something artistic? anything to stop your feelings from bottling up. and ugh the website is being really annoying today.:( but you can check the comments in moderation right now too before they are published.
yeah….. sorry. and gush is what i say. it’s kinda an inside joke, but whatevvs. a friend mispronounced gosh, so now we all tease her by using gush instead of gosh. she can be quite the blonde sometimes…. (no offense to blondies. i was born one, too)
i think that if you posted the original post, you can moderate the comments on your post through email or something. i think they moderate anything with an email in it.
I think you’re right, babypanda… I think website and e-mail addresses get moderated.
@distant.road I know. Thank you.
@ellachristina I’ve never really thought of distractions. I kinda just let my thoughts overwhelm me most of the time. My mom scheduled an appointment with a psychologist on the 19th, so that might help. I have no idea, I don’t open up face to face easily. I usually just shut down. But I’ll have to try something sometime.
i used to sit on the floor with my best friend and past the laptop back and forth. it sounds silly,i know. but she was going through so much,and she couldn’t speak about it,but she could write. this is the same girl who used to cut. it’s whatever helps you. I think it takes some time too. but no one is going to push you. put one toe in the water and try it out.:) therapy really helped my friend and I hope it does you too. maybe you could journal and let the therapist read it if you have trouble talking? i know it’s the same thing,your still telling someone else. but it really helped my friend to write it down instead.
lol,if that didn’t make sense-we would open a word doc. and just type away,and then delete it when we were done.
I was the most rebellious. I was always in detention and always getting into fights. But my grades were top so they didn’t want to expel because academically I was the best they had. When you get older you realise that it’s cool to focus on getting good grades because not only can you express yourself but is better in the long run. Everyone drinks and smokes in school so my parents would take no notice even they did it. I remember drinking 3 cans of tennents super and getting mashed on the school but. Once the teacher snuck up on me when I was smoking a splif in the toilets. I could hold my breath that long and ended up blowing smoke in his face. Anyway the point is, enjoy yourself but don’t end up a stoner and drunk otherwise your brain will be as pickled as mine.
@ellachristina Sounds like a good idea & your friend seems really strong(:
@Duke of Marmalade I never get in BIG trouble at school so at least I know I’m not getting kicked out:p &I’ve only smoked twice and drink occasionally, never enough to become a mess.
i must say, i have no experience whatsoever with drinking, smoking, or sex. i’m the 16-year-old virgin who has no desire to drink or smoke. i’m pretty much a goody-two-shoes. but i’m fine with that, and i won’t judge any of y’all for your decisions, as they are yours to make, not mine. my email is in the comment “awaiting moderation”, so email me if you want to talk. i may not reply right away, but i will reply within 24 hours.
Okay thank you @babypanda but trust me..I’m the biggest prude everrrr &I’ve only kissed my current boyfriend & some kid I don’t know who likes to go up to random girls and stick his tongue in their
you’re one step ahead of me… never been kissed. 😉
ugh,okay.i’ve been there too. buys suck sometimes.try the the bubblegum mouthwash. it works wonders.:P 😛
and i think that’s awesome. you should save your first kiss for someone you really love. i wasted mine.:( i wish i could get it back.
hehehe. did i also mention never been asked out by a non-desperate person? >.< whatever you do, don't have a pity party for me! i'm fine with it. kinda. ah, well. my time will come. the nunnery just isn't for me.
I wish I could get mine back too..the stranger was my first-_- loll
I’m sure someone special will come along(:
i know they will find someone great really-i’ve dated some really awful people. 🙁 i wish i would’ve been smart like you. theres no pity party here,i’m kinda jealous. i wish i could go back and make good choices like you. i know it’s hard to find someone sometimes,i live in this horrid little town of like 5 people. but theres a whole world out there.:)
be back in 45 min… shower!
hehe. cleanliness is next to Godliness.:)
yup, that’s me! the clean & pure… and proud!
Welcome:) I’m Jamie, 14 as well. I got suspended from school in November for trying to buy weed from a guy at school. 10 days suspension, I was charged with two counts of possession, which is a misdemeanor. I had to talk to a court counselor, and a dude that works for the Department Of Juvenille Justice. I’m currently in counseling for the mistake I made a little more than 3 months ago. So I know where you’re coming from. Anyways, if you ever wanna talk, my email:
Okay, thanks(: