I may not fake happiness; but I know its not real.
I may not cut myself; but that’s how I feel.
I may fear death; but I still want to die.
I may be young; but I feel old.
I may be up; but it feels like I’m down.
I may want things; but I know I have to wait. .
I don’t know how much longer I can stand.
I may have friends; but no one who understnads.
I may love sports; but how does that help?
I may have family who cares; but they’re all busy with themselves
I may be alive; but that doesn’t mean much.
I don’t know how much longer I can stand.
1 comment
I think any of us could tell you things about getting trough the pain, but i know a lot of those feelings you wrote.
I hug the pain every they, when i feel i’m sad i just “enjoy” the feeling so i fall everytime under and under but it feels good for a while… just have to keep control on it and the pain would be less hurting. That’s how i can stand every hour of the day and it might help you go trough too