I’ve started out with a terrible life. When I was 2 my real dad tried murdering me. When I was three he choked me to death but the emt brought me to life again. I wish I could of just died then so I wouldn’t have to go thru this pain any longer. My lifes falling apart at the seams again…. I’m 14 and tried suicide 5 times! But each time at the end when I’m about to die someone saves me even when I try fighting them. At this exact moment I feel unwated unloved and depressed. I’m thinking of suicide because who would care if one day they woke up and I was dead. There’s this boy I fell madly in love with this year I even told him how I felt and from then on we became best friends always getting yelled at together everything until a week ago he stopped talking to me and when I try talking to him he give mes a disgusting look and walks away. Love never last forever and neither does my life. Its time to end it</3
If you survived all that crazy stuff earlier in your life you can get over some boy who decided not to talk to you anymore. I know heartbreak sucks, but it’s a lesson best learned early, you’re only 14, and at least into your twenties relationships are going to be stupid like that. People break up all the time and do hurtful things to each other. You’re going to meet plennnnty of other people in your life as long as you don’t give up now.
A parent trying to kill you would make anyone feel like there is no way anyone would ever love them.
But give yourself time to reach adulthood and make your own connections and find people who you can trust who will stand by you through and through.
Relationships come and go. And it will be that way for life.
The main relationship that is important is the one you have with yourself.
Because loving who you are is the foundation and the capstone for all outward forms of love. And it will sustain you even when no outside love is forthcoming.