,i only give people what they ask for,,but then you see these cold ass bitches roming this planet that are rude and mean toeveryone. people they never saw before, mean nomatter what,, they just walk past a random person and have to say the meanest shit possible,why?what is the point of being a ***** all the time? every second of every day??and some people iv met,i dont know what could make them such a mean cruel *****,iv been through pure hell,and atleast i dont try to ruine a random strangers day,, society is fucked up, and how are you sapost to think or look at things positive when everything you are surrounded by is negitive?negitivity is like air born, and the days you just want to be positive, someone comes around and talks so negitive, you literally feel yourself sinking and drowning in it,like this girl on the city bus,the first time i saw her, she was with a friend, they sat right next to me, talking right in my face,then the ***** neamed brandy started talking about this homless guy she saw one time , she said he stunck, so she sprayed him with a load of perfume,is she the fucking devil,then she says something stanks and she starts spraying and it gets hard to breathe,i know i dont stink cause i just took a shower , so its obviously you *****, and she didnt know what kinda life that homless guy coulda had, and she is gonna go and harrass him like that, if you dont like the smell of somebody then fucking wal away, cause if i was him i woulda whipped my knife out and slit her throat, well if i didnt have a life,then the next time i see her, she talks about the most discusting and things that no normal person would want to hear, they were so sick that im not even going to repeat it,and she was saying it all infront of these little innocent kids sitting next to their moms,and mabey if she was just swearing but she wasnt, then she talks about people she saw that were ugly when this ***** is the most hidious thing on the planet i ever saw,and talks about trying to get her kids back after saying she hates kids and she wanted to punch her friends kids, why do people feel the need to talk about that shit in front of people with weak stomics,espeashally little kids, it makes me angry that ther are people on this planet that cant even phisically have kids or get pregnant, then theres these people that can and they go and treat them like shit,i am done on this planet,
People enjoy judging others. I don’t get it either. This would be an easier world to live in and fight for with a little more empathy all around.
People can be so cruel.