I know you are all suicidal but I just have one request. I wouldn’t say I am against suicide I believe that it is fully the persons choice. I just want you to consider what your problems are becuase I see som many posts on here about people saying they are going to kill themselves over relationships and arguements and I want you to ask If: 1 in five years will this still matter or affect you? 2 Is this permanent or temporary? 3 Is there anything you can do now to get relief from it? 4 how long has this been a problem? 5 Do you have anything in life to live for It always makes me sad to think sombody will kill themselves over a gf or bf no offence but honestly that is temporary.
It does not seem that you have gone from the same thing.
I recently hurt a guy very close to me who has made it clear he will never forgive me and that is understandable for what I did, and I thank him because now Im getting help for my depression.
The pain, at least that I felt, was horrible. It was this over whelming guilt and feeling like I couldn’t make up for it except to die. It did not help that he was messaging me telling me he was going to kill himself.
Like I was saying, the pain, the guilt, its all just this overwhelming sensation to know that I had hurt someone so close to me and he just resented me.
Temporary it may be. Sadly, temporary pain is still pain, and I couldnt handle it.
So lets try answering your questions.
1. Will this still matter to me? Yes It will. Because it is only once you can feel a love like that. I still try to find guys with his qualities. He was amazing.
2. There is no way to answer this. Just a silly question
3. I tried, and have recieved none. He refuses to forgive me so no.
4. A very long time
5. That depends on the day.
Your post would have been great, but your sympathy is lacking highly and seems very rude. It honestly kind of offended me that you would consider someone`s pain has temporary. Yes its temporary, but so much pain can push them over the edge.
I’m sorry you saw it as rude I meant it as a sympathetic post. You are right about how it was dumb for me to say that anybodys reason is worse than another persons, a reason can even be because the world is shit and I agree. I have never been in a relationship with anybody so I honestly wouldnt know how it feels to break up.
My comment kind of turned out wrong, it was a very nice post except for that last little bit.
When it comes to your future relationships, I wish you luck with them and hope you have to never go through that.
I think the biggest thing you are forgetting is that many of the people that want to kill themselves because of their latest heart break, also went alot of anguish in their lives before this happened. And this one person was the one thing that was keeping them clinging on the last piece of happiness they had left. They may have felt loneliness their whole life before this person entered it. And now that they are gone, what else do they have? So it may not just be that fact that they just broke up with their gf/bf. It may also be that this break up was just the breaking point they needed to say, “now i have nothing left”. Everyone had a past before they started a relationship. And after that good relationship is over, that past may come back to haunt them. And then comes the big question we all face “was it my fault that the relationship failed?”. These are just a few of the reasons i believe people find the best solution to a bad break up is to take their own life. But thats just my opinion.
@kteixeira That’s my opinion too, with better words than mine.
@kteixeira and Elleonil. I also agree entirely, that is what happened to me. I met someone, they turned my world upside down and inside out (in an amazing way) and then dropped me VERY hard and turned my world upside down and inside out again but this time in a very bad way. I have not recovered from this and likely never will and my 5 suicide attempts are testament to the pain that I have been and do feel constantly.
It makes me a little sad actually. My husband was on the brink looking over the edge of a cliff. I found out from him he had attempted a suicide every week before I met him. I saved him, but sadly he is soo empty he cannot turn around and return the favor on top of that my mother in law hates me because I am from a poor family and they are quite wealthy. My mother hates me for taking on someone who leans on me not the other way around. On top of she is suicidal and I’m always worried I am going to wake up one day without her. Then my father despises my mother and me because we are depressed and need him so much so he kicked us to the curb and I haven’t heard from him since I was 16. On top of all that I have a young son who looks at me with love and I have to pull a rabbit out of my hat so that he believes the world is kind and that he is loved and is the center of it. Situations like this my friend is why some young people kill themselves.