i hate wen people argue with you for ten minutes then say(well this conversation aint going anywere)ya, it never goes any were after you get all your words in to the very last one,you say what you want, after you get your last word in then the conversation aint going anywere?ten fucking minutes, seriously, then someone hurts you and they say get over it, and act like its so easy, then you say something rude to them, and they never get over it, wtf?do i really only know a bunch of dumb fucks?then i cant even ask a question even though they can, then they say(you think the world revolves around you)first off, it dont take a genious to know that the planet revolves around the sun on an invisible line called its axis,im not no sun, and i aint no damb moon,if i thought the world revolved around me i would have to be pretty damb hot, on fire,and i would go off and try to rule the dam world, not just from asking a simple little question!
My dad does that shit constantly, He actually starts coughing on purpose to cut off the person talking, and then yells his point and leaves the room so that he can have the last word.
It would be funny if it didn’t make me want to stab him