Yesterday, I got arrested for obstructing justice. My parents were not pleased, obviously. Especially my father. I don’t have a close relationship with my father, so I think it was pretty easy for him to disown me as his son. My mom tried to defend me and say that I’ve accompolished a lot in my lifetime, but then my dad pointed a finger at me and said, “when the fuck was the last time this stupid son of a ***** did ANYTHING right? Give me date!”. I wanted to stab him so bad… But then I realized he was right. I haven’t done shit with my life. I’m just taking up space at my house, now. Normally I don’t really care what my dad thinks because usually he’s just trying to be an ass, but this time I agree with him. I am nothing. Just a pothead. A pothead that will probably never graduate from high school. I’ve thought about suicide before, but I’ve never thought about this strongly. I’ve never felt so damn empty before. I’m so numb it fucking hurts. I don’t know what to do…
Chronic pot use can tend to slow you down and can act as a depressant in the long run.
It might help you feel better today, but weeks from now it can build up and leave you feeling worse.
Your still in school!
You’re young yet.
How much do you really think you need to have accomplished at your age?
Do not internalize the unkind words of your father.
You are not his idea of you.
Good luck
I am in school, but not for long
I am young, but youth doesn’t seem to be helping me
And I know I shouldn’t be worried about what I’ve accomplished so early in life, but at this point I should have done at least something right
I may never feel any better, but your kind words have shown me that there is still one good person left in the world that’s willing to help a total stranger.
Thank you
Get through school, a degree and go back to ur father and say fuck u i am better than u… Doesnt that sound like fun?
My dad thinks of me as just that looser pothead son of his to:/
Our education system is bullshit If you dropped out of school(like me) you would be behind in getting a job but as far as actual knowledge you wont have missed anything useful.